Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent Year B Gospel Acclamation Series.



Advent Wreath

Advent 2020 Gospel Acclamation series.


In preparing for Christmas during Advent, I would like to reflect up on the Gospel Acclamations each day.

You might wonder why I chose to reflect upon the Gospel Acclamations. My reasons are as follows:


1.    They are short and can be used as a prayer focus throughout the day.

2.    It encourages me to re-examine the Gospel itself for the day and the connections between the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel itself.

3.    Gospel Acclamations at Mass can pass by quickly. This advent I want to sit with them prayerfully and give them attention.


Each post will proclaim the Gospel Acclamation and then ponder how the acclamation can be lived throughout Advent.



Alleluia, Alleluia O Radiant Dawn,
splendour of eternal light, sun of justice:
come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death. Alleluia.


Today’s Gospel is taken from LK 1:67-79.  It is known in the Church as the Benedictus and is recited/chanted as part of Morning Prayer in the Prayer of the Church. There are many lines to ponder. It is Zechariah’s act of faith and praise.



We may wish to reflect upon:

Take a moment this Christmas eve to say this prayer slowly and to let it speak to you.



O Radiant Dawn,
splendour of eternal light,

sun of justice:

shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death


Jesus as we prepare for Your birthday, let me remember amongst the tinsel and gift giving and fine food the real reason for the season of Christmas. I want to welcome You with joy.  I want this Christmas to give you my gift (name it).

Come with splendour and eternal light into my soul. Come and shine on those areas of my life that are in darkness and are in the shadow of death.  Come O Radiant dawn and sun of justice and shine on me this Christmas.



This is the last post of this series as today is Christmas Eve.  The Gospel Acclamation and Gospel are those of Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent not Vigil of Christmas readings.

I hope you have found this series helpful for Advent.  I have been pleased to write a post most days in Advent.  If you have found this series helpful, how might you incorporate it into your spiritual journey on an ongoing basis.  I hope that it has helped you realise how much can be gained from participating in the Gospel Acclamation fully both at Mass and in your own prayer time.


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