Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Day 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas series: Wisdom of old age.



Manger scene

Manger scene: 12 days of Christmas 2020 series.

Today is the sixth day of the 12 days of Christmas. We hear the continuation of the Presentation of the Temple scene in LK 2:36-40.  The focus is on Anna so we might wonder what Anna might offer us during Christmastide. The Gospel is at pains to describe Anna’s status in life and/or background.  She was married for a short time of 7 years and is now a widow.  We are told that she does not leave the temple and prays and fasts. She too, like Simeon praises God when she sees the infant acknowledging that there had been a long waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.  


So, in our reflection today on the sixth day of Christmastide we might like to:

Consider the power of prayer and fasting in my life.  How can I incorporate fasting into my life daily/weekly?  Fasting is not only for advent and Lent.  It is meant especially for Fridays of the year as well in memory of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross.

Consider how to live in old age and not just exist?  What is my attitude to old age- do I consider it to be a life passed its used by date or old age as the opportunity to pass on wisdom to others and to continue living well by doing.

What respect do I give to older people eg grandparents, older parishioners, older people in the street)

Consider Mary and Joseph as young parents listening to both Simeon and Anna with their prophecies about Jesus?  What is their listening to Anna saying to me?






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