Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday of the First Week of Advent



Advent Wreath

Advent 2020 Gospel Acclamation Series



In preparing for Christmas during Advent, I would like to reflect up on the Gospel Acclamations each day.

You might wonder why I chose to reflect upon the Gospel Acclamations. My reasons are as follows:


1.    They are short and can be used as a prayer focus throughout the day.

2.    It encourages me to re-examine the Gospel itself for the day and the connections between the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel itself.

3.    Gospel Acclamations at Mass can pass by quickly. This advent I want to sit with them prayerfully and give them attention.


Each post will proclaim the Gospel Acclamation and then ponder how the acclamation can be lived throughout Advent.



Alleluia, Alleluia.  The Lord will judge us by His law; He is our King and Saviour.

The Gospel for Saturday of the First Week of Advent is from Mt  9:35–10:1, 5A, 6-8.  In this Gospel, Jesus feels the need of the people to be cured and gives the disciples the authority and power to do it.  He feels for the crowd who are like sheep without a shepherd.  Perhaps, with covid 19 restrictions and its implications for church worship, we may have felt that way at times. Yet, with online Masses and with our own prayer life, Jesus still is there ministering to us.
Jesus also invites us to pray for vocations so that the ministry may continue throughout the ages. People are still called to religious life and to be priests.  Are young ones listening to the call?  Are we, as older people, married people, single people supportive of religious and priests and/or to those considering the vocation of priesthood and religious life?


We may wish to reflect upon:

  • ·         How supportive am I of my pastor? Am I more critical of his efforts or do I truly support him in his ministry?
  • ·         What way will I support my pastor this coming week?
  • ·         When I feel like I am a sheep without a shepherd, how do I react? 
  • ·         How will I rebuild my physical, emotional and spiritual life this advent? What is my action plan?
  • ·         What are the hindrances/pitfalls I experience in my life which hinder me from following Jesus?
  • ·         What plan will I make this advent to eradicate at least one of these hindrances.
  • ·         Review this first week of advent.  What have I gained from it and what needs tweaking for the remainder of advent?


Will judge us

By His law

Our King

He is our Saviour.


Jesus, come with Your healing to my body, mind, soul and spirit.  When I feel like I am a sheep without a shepherd, let me look to You, the Good Shepherd to care for me.

Give me the graces I need to minister to others in the way they need. Let me be your hands, your feet, your touch this advent to other people this advent.



 Have you checked out my new Religious Music Page yet.  You can purchase either Classic Christmas- Klasyczne- a 11 track CD with Christmas Carols from around the world and from Poland  or Gospel Reflections in Song- composed, performed and recorded by myself through my other website

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