Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday of the Second Week of Advent Gospel Acclamation Series


Advent Wreath

Advent 2020 Gospel Acclamation Series.



In preparing for Christmas during Advent, I would like to reflect up on the Gospel Acclamations each day.

You might wonder why I chose to reflect upon the Gospel Acclamations. My reasons are as follows:


1.    They are short and can be used as a prayer focus throughout the day.

2.    It encourages me to re-examine the Gospel itself for the day and the connections between the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel itself.

3.    Gospel Acclamations at Mass can pass by quickly. This advent I want to sit with them prayerfully and give them attention.


Each post will proclaim the Gospel Acclamation and then ponder how the acclamation can be lived throughout Advent.


Alleluia, Alleluia.  The Lord   will come.  Go out to meet Him.  He is the Prince of Peace. Alleluia.

Today’s Gospel is from MT 11:16-19. In this Gospel, Jesus asks the question ‘“To what shall I compare this generation? 
He then goes on to highlight the blindness of the generation who sees everything as the exact opposite to what it truly is.  In other words, it has a distorted vision, a denial of the absolute truth and a negative response to God’s word.


When I hear this Gospel, I hear Jesus asking the same question to our own world, in our own time.  How often is absolute truth misrepresented at best or totally denied for relative truth.  How often do we hear the statement ‘ It is not my truth’?   How often do we hear and see in the media a complete denial of reality and a massaging of the truth (i.e. lying) to save their position and personality?  Not only does this happen at society level but in families and within ourselves. If we deny the reality about ourselves personally then how can I society face its truth together.


We may wish to reflect upon:

·         What aspects of myself am I denying, of being blind , of hiding?

·         What can I do to encourage truth at a family level, parish level, work level  and society level?

·         How can I help society in which I live uncover blind spots of God’s love, peace and mercy?



The Lord will come

Go out

To Meet Him.

He is the Prince of Peace.



Jesus, You reassure me that You will come and You invite me to go out to meet You.  I want to meet You today in the people I meet, the people I have contact with even if it is a passing moment in the traffic.  I meet You in my world through others and You invite me to reflect You to them.  Be the Prince of Peace today.


 Personal Note

Please forgive me for not creating a post on Wednesday or Thursday of Second Week.  I was not well enough to write a post.  I am feeling more myself again today.



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