New Horizons -discover and enhance your catholic faith podcast


Welcome to New Horizons - discover and enhance your Catholic faith podcast.

You can use the embedded player here or you can choose your preferred way to listen on Apple, Spotify or Google Podcasts.

I hope you enjoy listening to my weekly podcast based on some of the post topics I have written about over these last 9 years. I will also add more topics and series as my weekly podcast show grows.

You will be able to find it quickly by recognising the art work too.
Here it is to give you a glimpse.


I have also set up a closed Facebook group,  so that you can share your thoughts and comments about the podcast and/or blog topic. is there a burning topic you would like me to discuss? Join the group and tell me about it.

Why not decide to join up too- New Horizons facebook podcast group

I have a weekly podcast now called Talking Music Classical presented by myself at my website which you can find on my podcast page   You can choose your preferred way to listen - my website or on Apple, Spotify or Google Podcasts.

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