Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday of the Third Week of Advent Year B Gospel Acclamation Series



advent wreath

Advent 2020 Gospel Acclamation Series.


In preparing for Christmas during Advent, I would like to reflect up on the Gospel Acclamations each day.

You might wonder why I chose to reflect upon the Gospel Acclamations. My reasons are as follows:


1.    They are short and can be used as a prayer focus throughout the day.

2.    It encourages me to re-examine the Gospel itself for the day and the connections between the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel itself.

3.    Gospel Acclamations at Mass can pass by quickly. This advent I want to sit with them prayerfully and give them attention.


Each post will proclaim the Gospel Acclamation and then ponder how the acclamation can be lived throughout Advent.



Alleluia, Alleluia O Leader of the House of Israel,
giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:
come to rescue us with your mighty power!


Today’s Gospel is taken from Mt 1:18-25 which. relates to the circumstances of the birth of Jesus and how an angel came to Joseph in a dream to reassure him and to help him understand further how and why Mary, his betrothed was pregnant.  Joseph did not want to hurt Mary in any way and wanted to divorce her informally so that it saved then but particularly Mary of any humiliation and embarrassment.  The angel in the dream was able to tell Joseph what he needed to know ie Mary had become pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. She had not been unfaithful and that he needed to understand that the baby that she was carrying was the Son of the High.  By learning more about the situation, Joseph was able to take Mary and make her His wife.  He also began to learn more about his role in this plan of God for salvation for the whole human race.


We may wish to reflect upon:

What does God tell me about my own life situations in my dreams, in my subconscious or when I let go of preconceived ideas/outcomes?

What does this Gospel teach me about Joseph, his faith in God and his commitment?

Who are the angels/messengers that God sends into my life?  What do they say to me?



O Leader of the House of Israel,
giver of the Law
come to rescue us

with your mighty power.



Jesus, come to rescue us with Your Mighty Power.  Help me to know, love and serve You today.  Give me a greater understanding of Your Law.  Be O Leader of my House and come to rescue me.  Come Lord Jesus.






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