Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas Series : Presentation of the Lord in the Temple



Manger scene

Manger scene: 12 days of Christmas 2020 series.

Today is the fifth day of the 12 days of Christmas when the church has the option to celebrate St Thomas a Beckett whom you can read about here.    When the Church celebrates this optional memorial, the celebrant wears red vestments to indicate that the liturgy relates to a martyr saint.

When the priest chooses not the celebrate the above-mentioned optional memorial, the vestments worn will be white to indicate the celebration of the octave of Christmas. The Gospel is from LK 2:22-35 which is the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple.  There are a lot of aspects packed into this Gospel and some may be overlooked.


The opening couple of paragraphs gives us background to the event- a teaser to bring us into the scene.  However, we can note though that Mary and Joseph were familiar with their faith and traditions and were keen that their infant would be raised accordingly.  They followed the law and the rituals of the time.

Then we are introduced to Simeon who longed for the Lord’s coming. He was privileged to see Jesus, the Word Incarnate. He performed the rituals and customs of the day.  However, there is one phrase that stood out to me and that is ‘prompted by the Spirit.’  Simeon was not only in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit, was aware of being prompted and acted upon the promptings. He also was able to praise God when the revelation came to pass. He did not miss the moment.

The other sentence that struck me when reading this Gospel was ‘ the child’s mother and father were amazed at what was being said about him’. Mary and Joseph had each been visited by an angel before the birth of Christ, yet at this moment of the Presentation in the Temple, they were still amazed.  It does not mean that Joseph and Mary did not believe what they had been told by the angel- they clearly did by saying yes.  Yet, at this moment, when hearing more revelations about Him, they were amazed. How amazed are we at the wonders of God especially when we think we are solid ground?



So, in our reflection today on the feast of Holy Innocents we might like to:

  • Ask myself what the rituals, traditions and observances of the Church mean to me?
  • How familiar am I with the meanings of the rituals, traditions and observances of the Catholic Church?
  • How can I develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit daily, be in tune with His promptings and act upon them like Simeon?
  • What would I like God to reveal to me?  
  • Would the fulfilment of what God has revealed to me pass me by or would I be ready to praise God and be thankful?
  • Ponder the wonders of God- what am I amazed at when it comes to the Incarnation?
  • What is my understanding of the sacrament of Baptism- how do I live out my Baptismal promises every day?


On the Fifth day of Christmastide, we may wish to consider out attitude to when we present ourselves to God and in the Church. We may also wish to take this opportunity during Christmastide to renew our Baptismal Promises https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=1653 in the light of the Incarnation.



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