Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Virtue Series: Love Part 3

The Virtue Series:

 Love Part 3


In the last two posts, we have considered what love is, and how we are able to use this virtue in our lives.  We examined the commandment to love- love of God, love of neighbour and love of self. We explored the problems that occur when this virtue of love is inoperative in our lives and considered scripture passages which highlight these above-mentioned aspects.

In this final post of this series, let us examine someone whom we can emulate- Mary as a woman of love.

The late Pope John Paul 11 in his letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women stated:
" From the first moment of her divine motherhood, of her union with the Son whom 'the Father sent into the world, that the world might be saved through him' (cf Jn 3:17), Mary takes her place within Christ's messianic service".

Luke 1:26-40 highlights a stellar example of human love. and the love story of Mary our mother. We are wise to imitate her example.  Mary's response to the angel Gabriel, also known as her fiat (yes to God) shows us her faith, hope and love by:
·                     believes God's words are true.
·                     hopes to see their fulfillment
·                     loves God enough to overcome her fear
·                     does what is sacrificial and difficult.
Mary makes sacrifices to become the Mother of God in the following ways:

1.            She risks her marriage to Joseph and possible death, if he did not believe her that the baby is from God.
2.            She is promised that a sword would pierce her heart (Lk 2:35). This became a reality as she watched her beloved Son Jesus unjustly condemned, suffer and die on the Cross.
Mary is rewarded by God by becoming the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth. 

Real love is always about service and sacrifice.  God is love and He is always serving and sacrificing for us through Christ.  John 13:15 tells us 'He has given us the example for us to follow'.

During the week, we may wish to ponder how how God might be calling you to imitate Mary more fully in  our lives. Ephesians 5:2 may give us some food for thought.

"And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, 
a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God".

 This is the last post in this series 'The Virtues'.  I hope you have enjoyed and benefited spiritually from this series and found it helpful for your spiritual journey. 

Let us continue to ask God to help us to grow in them and use them daily in our lives.

Next week, I  will commence a series called 'World Youth Day'.  
Having been a pilgrim to two World Youth Days in Rome in 2000 and Sydney 2008, I may be able to provide food for thought for potential pilgrims, and for all of us who desire to support them.  Stay tuned.

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