Monday, July 26, 2010

Genesis Series: Chapter 29




Chapter 29

At Hsran, Jacob falls in love with attractive daughter of his uncle Laban.  He asks for her in marriage, but his cunning uncle stipulates that he should work seven years for the hand of his daughter.  After seven years he is obliged to take first of all the elder sister of Rachel for his wife, since according to Aramaic custom the younger daughter cannot be married before the eider.  Laban makes Jacob work seven more years in his service. Jacob’s motivation and true love for Rachel is clear, despite being deceived … ‘they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her” (vs 20).

What lessons can we learn from this chapter?


·                     How could we be reunited/reconciled with   close or extended family members ?
·                     Are we patient when our plans are thwarted by others?
·                     What behaviours do we use to deceive others?
·                     Do we put others on the spot inappropriately like Laban?
·                     Are we able to respond appropriately despite our emotions, when we are put on the spot?
·                     Are we able to communicate assertively not aggressively at times of conflict and disappointment?
·                     Are we able to listen effectively to another person's  point of view, especially when cultural sensitively is required?
·                     How important is physical vs spiritual beauty in relationships?
·                     Are we like Leah and use a gift (children) as a ‘bargaining chip’ with our husband/wife.?

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