Thursday, July 8, 2010

Compendium Series: A desire for God-why?



Some time ago, I wanted to nurture my own faith, review the teachings of the Church and grow in understanding of it.  I initially had a look for the Catechism of the Catholic Church and felt overwhelmed. 

On the first Sunday of Advent, I decided to take one question per day for 18 months to learn and meditate upon during the day, with the view to making it personal- tangible for me. My own personal compendium of the Catholic Church is in process. I hope it may encourage you to know and love your faith too in a deep and personal way as I share my thought/reflections with you each week.

2. Why does man have a desire for God?  (CCC: 27-30, 44-45)

Compendium states:

'God himself in creating man in His own image has written upon his heart the desire to see Him.  Even if this desire is often ignored, God never ceases to draw man to himself because only in God will he find and live the fullness of truth and happiness for which he never stops searching.  By nature and by vocation, therefore man is a religious being, capable of entering into communion with God.  This intimate and vital bond with God confers on man his fundamental dignity.'


What does this mean for me?

1. Each day, especially days when I feel overwhelmed or disheartened, I am able to remind myself of this truth that God made ME in His own image. I am able to enter into communion with God because of God’s generosity to ME.

2. As a result of this reminder of this great truth that I am a religious being by nature and have a fundamental dignity, I can
  • Offer my hurt when I am ridiculed for my faith.
  • Pray in gratitude for this gift from God.
  • Ask forgiveness in the areas of my life where I ignore this desire for God and want MY way.
  • Feel confident in providing an answer for those who debate the pro-life vs pro choice issue on abortion.

 Questions to consider:

  1. Why does God never cease to draw man to Himself?
  2. Why does God never cease to draw me to Himself?
  3. What scripture quotes are applicable to this question?
    Romans 5: 1-21, Genesis: 1:26-27, John 14:6.
  4. How can I desire God more in my life? 
As we consider this question from the Compendium ( No 2) , it is important to realise that the word 'man' refers to species not gender, so a gender inclusive debate is not required.

I hope you may enjoy and reclaim today your fundamental dignity that God has bestowed on you.

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