Wednesday, July 21, 2010

About the Mass Series: Introductory Rite:Greeting




We have now reached Section 4 of 8 in this series 'About the Mass'. If you have missed the previous posts, why not take a look in the Sacraments category, as although each post is complete in itself, I invite you on the 12 month journey to know and love the Mass. 

Section  4,called the Introductory Rite will consist of  4-5 posts discussing the significance of the Greeting, Penitential Rite, Gloria and Opening Prayer (Collect).
Let us commence with the Greeting. 


Mass begins with the Cross-Bearer, Altar Servers, Commentators/Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Deacon (when present) and the celebrant (priest who will preside at Mass) processing down the aisle, while either a Processional Hymn or Entrance Antiphon is sung or said.  When a Commentator is present, he/she usually provides an introduction before the Procession commences. It is a wonderful opportunity to listen carefully to these introductory comments, participate in the Processional Hymn or Entrance Antiphon as fully as possible because each help to focus our awareness on the themes of the Mass and draw us to God.  

When the celebrant reaches the Sanctuary, he genuflects to the Tabernacle as a mark of reverence to Christ, then, when he reaches the altar, (originally a flat-topped marble block for offerings to Deity) he kisses it as a sign of reverence to Christ as His sacrifice on Calvary is made present to us.  Engraved in the marble altar are five crosses, which represent the five wounds of Christ.  In every altar, there are relics of saints placed in it.  The altar cloth is usually white, but may also be an appropriate liturgical colour.

Then when he approaches the celebrant’s chair (usually a different but comfortable style of chair-not for the priest’s comfort but to represent Christ in our midst), he greets the congregation with the Sign of the Cross and the one of the greetings such as: 

'The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God 
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all’ 
‘The Lord be with you’.  

We reply ‘And also with you’.  

How many times do these words occur during the Mass? Notice too how the celebrant extends his hands as he says these words, as he is greeting us in the name of Christ.  

Then he usually gives some introductory comments about any themes of the readings, which can help us to draw more fully to and sharpen our awareness of themes in God’s Word.  This first part of the Introductory Rite, known as the Greeting, is quite important for us, helping us to centre our attention on Christ, yet it can pass over us so quickly. 

How well do You focus during the Introductory Rite?

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