Thursday, June 3, 2010

What will you give your priest?


The year of the Priest series icon.

Welcome to another post on 'The Year of the Priest' Series. Each week until end of June 2010, this series will provide food for thought on the Year of the Priest’, examine  how we, as laity, can appreciate the gift of Priesthood in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and encourage our priests in this special year. If you missed my other posts on this series, why not take a look.

As the Year of the Priest draws to a close, it is time to consider how we might continue appreciating our priests. In my last post, my challenge was to consider how you might fittingly bring this year of the Priest to a close in your parish- for your priest.


In this post I wish to highlight the need for us to continue to think highly of our priests.As this Year of the Priest comes to a close, you might decide to help your priest remember this precious year by buying him a gift.  Buying gifts can be a challenge at any time, but ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to what would be the most appropriate gift for your priest. Some questions you might like to ponder as you decide include:

1. Is your priest computer literate? If, so why not consider the amazon gift card options. He is able to choose what he might like himself.

2. What does your priest enjoy?  What type of music does he find relaxing- classical, reflective music, folk/jazz?

3. What type of sport does he engage- some priests play golf- would something related to golf or his favourite sport be appropriate?  Remember you want to encourage him to find a great balance between his vocation and having some 'me time'

4. Perhaps you would prefer to give him something religious, or if he has a good sense of humour and a balanced ego, he might appreciate something that reflects that. You need to know his level of sense of humour as this can go pear shaped very quickly if not carefully chosen.

I hope this post gives you some food for thought and that you choose to remember and support your priest, not only in this Year of the Priest but always.


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