Exploring Genesis Series:
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the Bible: Exploring Genesis Series Icon. |
Chapter 17 Abram becomes Abraham.
In this chapter is a new account in
which the Covenant seals the same promises but at the same time imposed on man,
beside his duty of moral perfection and of a religious bond with God, a
positive law: circumcision. As a sign of the interior change wrought in
them, Abram and Sarai will have new names: Abraham, ‘father of a multitude of
peoples’ and Sarah ‘mother of peoples and kings’. Among oriental people,
circumcision was a rite of initiation; in Israel it took on a special
significance: memberships of the people of God and consecration to Yahweh.
It is interesting with to note that
Abraham has been designated our father in faith not only by Christianity, but
also Islam and Muslim Faiths. Abraham also came from what is now our
modern-day Iraq. He is our father in faith as He dialogues
with God, asking questions and seeks answers. But he does not doubt, even
though he does not understand how God’s promises can be fulfilled to him.
His faith therefore calls him into action and he lives by that faith.
So, what is this to us you may be
God provides through His Church our
initiation also- not circumcision necessarily, but we are adopted children of
God and co-heirs with Christ through Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is the
sign of our Covenant with God.
This indeed is a timely reading for
us to reflect on at any time but especially in Holy Week. We need to
respond to God in our commitment to Him. During Holy Saturday Ceremonies
and/or Easter Sunday, we have our renewal of our Baptismal promises when we reject
Satan, all his works and empty promises so as to live in the freedom of God’s
children. Not only do we reject Satan, but we make our confession of faith in
Maybe we are aware of where we fall
short. God is always forgiving but we need to acknowledge our weaknesses and
sins before Him, repent and be restored in friendship with Him. As
Scripture says ‘ And when he found it, would he not joyfully take it on his
shoulders and then, when he got home, call together his friends and neighbours,
saying to them, "Rejoice with me, I have found my sheep that was lost. In
the same way, I tell you, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one
sinner repenting than over ninety-nine upright people who have no need of
repentance.(Lk 15:5-7) God is waiting for your return to Him.
May you receive God’s abundant
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