Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting to Know you part 2.


Some time ago I wrote a post called Getting to Know you.  Perhaps you have had time to try out that method of introduction in your parish groups or parish activities.
Do you need another approach to introduce and connect a group of people? Why not try this approach. It can be used in formal group sessions or even at a dinner party.

AIM: for person in a group to tell his/her story and for the group to actively listen. This is monitored by the word list- as the word list  assists the rest of the group to focus on the story when it is being told.

1.The group leader prepares before the group meets (a) an A3 sheet with 8 circles on them (3×3x2) and (b)  a list of adjectives to cover a range of emotions and circumstances.
When the group meets:
1. Ask one member of the group to tell his/her story either by symbolism, picture or writing starting from the centre circle.
2. The group listens to the story as each member tells it-
3. Each member then chooses from the list a word which they think describes what they have heard and why they chose that word.

For example
One person may describe his current situation- retrenched and feeling worthless. He comments that he is actively seeking work.

Other people in the group may have heard him say:
·                     depressed because he is unemployed
·                     dented self esteem due to retrenchment.
·                     positive outlook  in the face of adverse circumstances.
·                     facing his challenges- emotional challenges vs highlighting positive traits of person- eg persistence, courage, hope etc.

It is important that each person gives a reason for the word  they chose since it helps the person who told his/her story to understand what others heard him/her say.
It is also important that the rest of the group actively listen and not make assumptions and judgments on what they heard. They need to choose a word from the list that really describes what they heard and why.

This approach helps 2 ways:
1. It helps the story teller to be aware of how he/she is heard by others. How many times in life have you felt misheard by others?

2. It helps the rest of the group to really listen- tune out to his/her own views and enter into the world of the speaker. In this way the rest of group can learn to listen with respect and not jump to conclusions about another person’s life.

Getting to know a person and communicating well is so important in our relationships with one another. Exploring different ways to assist a parish group achieve this is vital for the success of the group and for each member.  After all, we are the body of Christ and Christ is the head.

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