Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Virtue Series: Faith Part 1



So far in this series called the Virtues, we have first explored as an overview what the virtues are and how they are important to our lives. Then we have explored the moral virtues wisdom and justice and courage and self-control over 8 weeks. If you have missed these posts, why not have a look.

Let us continue the journey of exploration on the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love over the next 6 weeks. Today we begin with Faith.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Faith as follows:

'Faith is the first of the theological virtues and gift of grace from God.   After we receive the gift of faith at our Baptisms, we have to choose whether or not we will accept it.  As always, God offers us His good gifts, but never forces us to accept them.  If we do accept God's gift of faith, and turn our hearts towards Him, we give Him the opportunity to transform our lives into something beautiful for Him' (CCC153-65).

Faith is one of those words that seem to take on a life of their own. We need to be clear what our understanding of faith is. Hebrews 11:1 gives us a clear definition:
       "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen".

In other words, faith or belief is the firm acceptance as true those things we cannot see or prove.   It is important to note that as Catholics we believe that God has established a Church through which He teaches us the truths of who He is and how we are to live.  Whether there are teachings we do not understand because they are a mystery (e.g. Trinity) or find difficult to obey, as part of the virtue of faith, we conform our minds and wills out of an obedience of faith.  We believe these teachings not solely because we agree, but because Christ has established His Church to lead us into all truth.  We believe the Church because we believe Christ.

Because faith has its source in God and it is a gift from God, it must bear fruit. According to the following Scripture passage the benefits of faith for the believer are:
·                     Ephesians 2:8: Faith is the means by which we accept the grace of salvation.
·                     Colossians 2:12: Faith is the source of salvation.
·                     I Peter 1:3-5: Faith brings salvation and wonderful inheritance in Heaven.
·                     Hebrews 11:6In faith we are able to please God and draw near to Him.
Saint Thomas Aquinas stated ' Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will moved by God through grace".


Some reflective questions which we might ponder as we consider this faith virtue.
1.            Do you feel the need to justify your faith in your daily life?
2.            Do others or yourself infer that by having faith in what you cannot prove solely by reason or experience that you are of lesser intelligence or do not have a sound mind?
3.            What is the cause of your situation?

The following quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta provides us with further reflection thoughts when she stated:
"Faith is a gift from God.  Without faith, no life is possible.  For our work to bear fruit, for it to belong to God alone, it must be founded on faith.  She then went on to quote Mathew 25-35-40. Our work is founded on faith in these words of Christ from Scripture.  Faith is scarce nowadays because selfishness is quite abundant; personal advantage is sought above all.  Faith cannot be genuine without being generous.  Love and faith go together; they complement each other". 
Let us continue to grow in this virtue by asking God to increase our faith. Let us ask God in prayer

" Lord, increase my faith, help my unbelief".

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