Sunday, December 27, 2009

Opening Prayer-Feast of the Holy Family.


the Mass



The Opening Prayer of the Mass for the feast of the Holy Family reads as follows:

Let us pray
( as the family of God, who share in His life)

Father in Heaven, creator of all,
You ordered the earth to bring forth life
and crowned its goodness by creating the family of man.
In history's moment when all was ready,
You sent Your Son to dwell in time,
obedient to the laws of life in our world.

Teach us the sanctity of human love,
show us the value of family life,
and help us to live in peace with all men
that we may share in Your life for ever.


In making this prayer tangible for my life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged:
1. Thinking of my relationship with my Father in Heaven at this present time, how might I improve it during this week?
2 How might I appreciate my Father in Heaven as Creator (eg: open my eyes and take a leisurely reflective walk to value the magnificence of nature).
3 How might I crown my fellow human being as Father God has crowned me? (eg :listen attentively, express gratitude).
4.What laws of the world do I find difficult to uphold? ( eg: how is my driving)
5. What is my attitude towards the sanctity of human love- what steps can I make this week to improve it?

6.Do I really value family life and what shape does living in peace with all men take this week? (eg: try to visit the crib each day to reflect with the Holy Family).

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