Friday, November 12, 2010

What is sin?

What is sin?

A common comment made is that the queues for confession are not what they used to be. There may be many reasons for that- one of which could be that humanity has lost the sense of what sin really is. I hope that this weeks post will help us to refresh our understanding of sin. After all it is hard to repent and turn away from sin if we are blunted or ignorant of what it is.
Sin is an offense against God.  It sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our hearts away from it. It is disobedience and a revolt against God through the will to ‘become like gods’, knowing and determining good and evil.  It is an utterance, a deed or a desire contrary to the eternal law of God.
Sin is an offense against reason, truth and right conscience. It is a failure in genuine love for God and neighbour caused by a perverse attachment, and it wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity.
There are 2 categories of sin- mortal and venial.  The kinds and the gravity of sins are determined principally by their objects.   To choose deliberately -- that is, both knowing it and willing it -- something gravely contrary to the divine law and to the ultimate end of man is to commit a mortal sin.  This destroys in us the love without which eternal life is impossible.  Unrepentant, it brings eternal death.  Venial sin constitutes a moral disorder that is reparable by love, which it allows to subsist in us. The repetition of sins -- even venial ones -- engenders vices, among which are the capital sins.  The root of all sins lies in man's heart.

In the counselling situation or in everyday life, we must trace the root causes of our emotional problem.  We must keep in mind the fault line inherent in mankind.  A Christian counsellor or a good spiritual director will help the client/directee understand the root causes of his/her problem, and where there is obvious sin involved, (cardinal sins) will encourage and support the client/directee as he/she becomes aware of the sin, repents and surrenders his/her life to God.

For a Catholic, Christian counselling or Spiritual Direction can be a wonderful way to enhance our spiritual journey and grasp a deeper level of understanding of repentance and reconciliation.  Naturally, choosing carefully and wisely is paramount and asking God's guidance in placing the right counsellor or Spiritual Director in our path is vital.  Counselling and Spiritual Direction would not and cannot take the place of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession), as it is only God, through the priest, who can give Sacramental Absolution of sin and healing.

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