Monday, November 8, 2010

Geneis Series: chapter 45


Chapter 45 The moment of Reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers.

In this wonderful chapter, we have the great moment of reconciliation.  Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, who were speechless and amazed (vs3).  Joseph does not berate his brothers for what they had done to him, but rather encourages them to see that his misfortune was part of God’s plan to save them from famine and that God had brought good out of the evil vs7-8). Joseph not only tells them to bring his father to him, but provides abundantly for their needs for their journey.  Interestingly enough he gives Benjamin more than the others, warning his brothers not to quarrel about it.

When the brothers return home, they tell Jacob, who initially does not believe them, but hearing their words and the proof of the amenities which Joseph had provided, he believes and decides to visit him before he dies.

This chapter is full of lessons for us.


Do we allow our emotions to guide us for the right moment for reconciliation?

How do we feel when someone we have wronged forgives us?

Do we acknowledge that misfortune in our lives is part of God’s overall plan for us?

How do we feel when others are given more than us- are we jealous/think it unfair, want to quarrel about it?

Are we open to hearing the truth spoken to us even when it may seem impossible to believe?

Do we need proof of God’s goodness to us?

Do we want proof when we have been constantly lied to by others (family, colleagues, and parishioners)?

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