Monday, November 29, 2010

The Jesse Tree Series: Creation: Monday of First week of Advent

Creation: Monday of First week of Advent

From now until Christmas Eve, the Jesse tree posts concentrates on 4 elements
·                     The Person:
·                     Event/Theme
·                     Scripture
·                     Symbol.
Commence by reading the scripture passage as it will provide the clues to the person, event/theme and symbol involved for the day.

What does Monday of the first week of Advent entail for our Jesse Tree:
SCRIPTURE: Gen 1:1:2:3.
Chapter 1 of Genesis is the story of creation.

In Genesis 1, we have a carefully structured poem like narrative, which describes the creation of the universe and mankind as work done by God in six days and from which He rested on the seventh day. The inspired writer wants to show us how heaven and earth, the universe with all that it contains was created by nothing at all by God.  Everything comes from the hands of God that is good; evil does not have its source in Him.  However, God not only gives mankind dominion over the earth and creates us in the image and likeness of God, but also our co-operation with Him, is a divine extension of the work of creation.

Yet although marvellous is the work of creation, we know sin entered the world.
However, have you ever considered how still more marvellous is the re-creation of mankind by Christ’s redemption.  By faith in Christ and baptism we share in the new creation. Compare Genesis Chapter 1 with Colossians 1.  Paul sets out Christ’s primacy in the natural creation and of supernatural re-creation.
In Genesis, God blesses mankind and marriage was instituted and blessed.   Matthew 19:4-6 echoes this theme from Genesis.

So maybe during this coming week, we may want to stop, look around and rejoice in God’s creation. We may even want to reflect and sing the greatness of God the creator and primacy of the Son of man.
Psalm 8 is a beautiful one, which sings of the greatness of the creator. I hope it may support your reflections on creation and re-creation especially on this first Monday of Advent.   
God is the Creator in this scripture passage. It is good to acknowledge that God is the Creator- made the world from nothing -as scripture tells us ' God spoke and it came into being and indeed it was good'.

THE EVENT/THEME: CREATION: During our reflection time today, let us ponder on the beauty of creation that God created for us. We may wish to
1.            Offer a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of creation.
2.            Rediscover Creation: Look around our own home, parish or neighbourhood to enjoy and rediscover its beauty as part of creation. Let us take a walk in our mind and/or legs.
3.            Make a practical commitment: As today's theme is creation, we may wish to spend some time outside doing something practical to rediscover creation in your world (eg admire some flowers, weed some garden beds, plant a bed of flowers to remind you of this day and theme of creation.

The sun, the hills and the trees symbolise creation which God found to be good. Let us respect all of creation recognising the hand of God in the world around us.
Let us recall God and His creation as we prepare our second symbol
(first cut out symbol) and place it on the tree.

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