Sunday, August 15, 2010

Opening Prayer Series:Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Opening Prayer Series:


Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary


The Opening Prayer for the Vigil Mass of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary reads as follows:

Let us pray
( that the Virgin Mary will help us with her prayers).
Almighty God,
You gave a humble Virgin
the privilege of being the mother of Your Son,
and crowned her with the glory of Heaven.
May the prayer of the Virgin Mary
bring us to the salvation of Christ
and raise us up to eternal life.


In making this prayer tangible for my life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged: 
1.            In what ways do we need Mary to help us with her prayers?
2.            What is our relationship with Mary?
3.            Why is the Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation? What difference does
           this feast have in your life?
4.            How do the prayers of the Virgin Mary bring me to the salvation of Christ?
5.            How do her prayer raise me to eternal life?
6.            How will Mary be the Mother of Christ impact on my life this coming
Let us rejoice in this feast since it is a feast of faith, hope and love. May we live in faith and hope that we too will be raised to eternal life when God calls us to His eternal dwelling place.

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