Monday, August 2, 2010

Genesis Series: Chapter 30-Jacob, Leah, Rachel and Laban



Chapter 30-Jacob, Leah, Rachel and Laban

In this chapter, there is an emphasis on the importance of names and their meanings as noted in vs 20’ And she named him Joseph meaning ‘may I also have another’”. It is interesting too to note the sibling rivalry between Leah and Rachel expressed through their fertility issues. Being barren was considered as a slight or punishment from God, and children were considered a blessing from Him.

Later in the chapter, it highlights Laban’s capacity to use Jacob’s good nature by not honouring the agreement he himself had negotiated and agreed upon. He also was aware of the blessing Jacob was to him and did not want to lose him.  Jacob however wanted to seek his independence with his wives and family and ‘go to his own country’.


  1.     How important is the naming of a child and how is it linked with his/her identity?
  2.    Do we feel jealous as Rachel was of Leah when we are unable to conceive and yet others are abundantly blessed with children?
  3.   Do we appreciate the giftedness of another person or are we ready to use their good nature to our own advantage? (e.g. work colleague or parishioner).    
  4. How do we negotiate- are we fair and honest and honour the agreed outcome?
  5.  Do we try to minimise another person's wages for our own advantage as Laban did to Jacob?
  6.    Do we try to seek revenge in devious methods as Jacob did to Laban  when we are unfairly treated?

This chapter highlights the good and unfortunate behaviours of humanity and by spending some in reflection, we will be able to consider our response to our Jacob, Leah, Rachel or Laban in our lives.

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