Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Jesse Tree Series:The beginnning of the Kingdom-Saturday of the Second week of Advent


  What does Saturday of the Second week of Advent entail for our Jesse Tree:


SCRIPTURE:1 Sam 3:1-21,7:1-8:22,9:15-:10:9
.In chapter 3, God hears the unceasing prayers of a barren woman; Hannah consecrates her child Samuel to God.  Taken by his mother to the temple. young Samuel grows up there in the company of the priest Eli.  After mentioning the misdeeds to Eli's sons, the first of the Book of Kings tells us of the call of Samuel.

Chapter 7: Samuel as Judge and deliverer.
.The ark of the covenant, the sign of God's presence in the midst of the people, falls into the hands to the Philistines who continue to encroach on to Israel's territory.  The Philistines soon return the ark which brings them no good fortune, but the situation is no less critical for that.  God has abandoned his people because of their infidelities.  When at last the sons of Israel become aware of their wretchedness, they call on God for help.
Chapter 8: The people ask for a king.
Gradually a section of the people realises that only in unity and under a leader can they become a strong and prosperous nation.  When Samuel grows old, the people ask him for a king.
Chapter 9-10: The call and anointing of the first King.

Saul is anointed by the prophet and the last of the judges, Samuel.  The young vigorous kings is accepted as their leader by the people; they give him their support.  "The spirit of God was upon him"; this formula, which we have already met in the chapter which told of the exploits of the judges, will return repeatedly in the Old Testament until in the New Testament it takes on a special emphasis.


Samuel is called by God to lead and guide the people in a difficult transition period. The period of infiltration is over and supporters of the monarchy increase despite the reaction the the traditionalists.

During our reflection time today, let us ponder on the beginning of the God's Kingdom in our lives
We may wish to
1.            Offer a prayer of. courage to help grow the kingdom of God in our families, parish and workplaces and neighbourhood.
2.            Rediscover the voice of God as He calls us and to be ready to serve as He asks.
3.            Make a practical commitment: As today's theme is the beginning of the Kingdom , we may wish to:
o        Consider how we may journey with one person during this liturgical year to bring them closer to God.
o        Consider our personality type and ponder our leadership potential.  We may wish to write a list our leadership skills and potential to gauge where we might be called.


Let us remember the 7 symbols we have placed on the Jesse tree this week which call to mind the way God worked with His people, and the way He continues to work with us today, as we prepare our fourteenth symbol (thirteenth cut out symbol) and place it on the tree.

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