Monday, December 20, 2010

The Jesse Tree Series: Repentance: 4th Sunday of Advent

What does Sunday of the Fourth week of Advent entail for our Jesse Tree?


SCRIPTURE: Luke 1: 5-25, Lk 1:57-80


John the Baptist was the last of the prophets and his mission was to point the way to Christ. His preaching focused on repentance and he invites us to make our paths straight and make a highway for our God.

  THE EVENT/THEME: REPENTANCE:  During our reflection time today, let us ponder on the theme of repentance in our lives.

We may wish to
  1. Offer a prayer asking God to heighten our awareness of our sins and to repent of them
  2. Rediscover the sacrament of Reconciliation
  3. Make a practical commitment: As today's theme is Repentance, we may wish to:
  • Take some time to reflect on our need for repentance and prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Establish a regular time to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation during this liturgical year (if you do not already have one), and if you do, make a re commitment to maintain this good habit in your spiritual growth. Let us not leave this sacrament to chance in our lives.


Let us remember Zechariah (John the Baptist's father).  When Zechariah is praying in the temple, archangel Gabriel announces the birth of his son, John the Baptist, who is to prepare the Lord's people for his coming. .May we pray for an increase in faith as we prepare our twenty second symbol (twenty first cut out symbol) and place it on the tree.

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