Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Jesse Tree Series: The Fall of Jericho: Thursday of the Second Week of Advent


What does Thursday of the Second week of Advent entail for our Jesse Tree:


SCRIPTURE: Josh 1:1-11, 6:1-20
Together with the exodus, the conquest of the Promised Land belongs to the great wonders that God wrought for his people.  It is the Lord who 'by outstretched arm and his powerful hand' gave the inheritance to his people.  In the book of Joshua which describes the conquest (about 1200 years before Christ), history has turned into epic.  

The book of Judges, which describes the history of the two centuries of Judges, between Moses' death and the setting up of the monarchy, gives us a picture.  The latter book tells us of a slow  and difficult infiltration by tribes not yet united, whereas the former describes a lighting war in which a highly organised and enthusiastic army goes from one victory to another.  In the one book we see isolated efforts by the different tribes with a good number of compromises, while in the other, it is the common campaign of the whole people, carried out with an uncompromising strictness which at time is amazing.  

The two books express one truth: God is faithful to His promises. Both call the chosen people to be faithful to the Covenant.

Chapter 1 of Joshua is the invitation to pass into the Promised Land. Chapter 6 is the conquest of Jericho- the fortified city falls miraculously into the hands of the Israelites.


Joshua is a figure of Christ who leads us into the kingdom of God. Let us recall the people in our lives who have been a figure of Christ to us and have led us into the kingdom.

THE EVENT/THEME: THE FALL OF JERICHO; During our reflection time today, let us ponder on the fall of Jericho and the invitation to pass into the promised Land
We may wish to
1.            Offer a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude for the faithfulness of God.
2.            Rediscover the power of an unified people when they are committed to fight for a just cause.
3.            Make a practical commitment: As today's theme is the fall of Jericho, we may wish to:
o        Reflect on my commitment to be a figure of Christ to others and consider my role in helping others to the kingdom of God. What steps can I make in this area to bring others into the Kingdom and establish God's kingdom here on earth.
o        Consider the providence of God working in my life and make a commitment to depend not on my own strength but on the power and mercy of God. You may wish to light a candle and visualize handing over to God's providence one worry/concern in your life.
o        Accept God's invitation to walk into the promised Land. During this Advent, we may wish to 'repent and believe the Good News' and prepare the way for the Lord.


 Let us create our own ram's horn trumpet. As we reflect on today's scripture, let us remember the closeness of God in our journey of faith as we prepare our twelfth symbol (eleventh cut out symbol) and place it on the tree.

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