Sunday, September 19, 2010

Opening Prayer Series:25th Sunday of the Year




The Opening Prayer of 25th Sunday of the Year reads as follows:

Let us pray
(that we may grow in the love of God and of one another)
guide us as You guide creation,
according to Your law of love.
May we love one another 
and come to perfection 
in the eternal life prepared for us.


In making this prayer tangible for my life during this week, the following reflection questions emerged: 

1.             How does God guide creation?
2.             What hinders me from being guided by God the creator?
3.             Name one area of my life that I will ask God to assist me to change this week?
4.             What does the commandment of love mean for me?
5.             How is eternal life and the commandment of love linked?
6.            What does it mean for me that God has prepared for me eternal life? 

My virtue series may be a helpful resource for you this week if you wish to understand more about the virtue of love.  


In the Gospel we are reminded yet again to have the right priority- God must be first in our lives.  God knows that we need money to support our temporal well being. God is not against the rich, since many of them use their wealth for the betterment of others in society, less fortunate. We are also reminded by the parable not to 'feather our own nests' by taking advantage of others and manipulating them for our own cause.

When we are given a position of trust, we must carry out our duty honestly, since the quality of trust and dishonesty have an accumulative effect.  Most people do not start off being dishonest in a big way such as fraud or robbing a bank or the like. No, but dishonesty can creep in in small ways, and before long, our conscience is blunted. Then the next bigger step of dishonesty is so much easier, since we have placed God down on the list of priority, allowed evil to go unchecked in our hearts, and have not confessed our wrongdoing. God must be first in our lives at all times.

During this week, let us review the place of God in our lives-
place God first, so that we may through God's help 
come to perfection in the law of love.

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