Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alternative Opening Prayer 24th Sunday of Year



Alternative Opening Prayer 24th Sunday of Year


 As I have already commented on the first reading and the Gospel in my 24th Sunday of Year Opening Prayer post,  this post focuses on the Second Reading for 24th Sunday of the Year.

In the second reading (Timothy 1:12-17), St Paul thanks God for being called to serve and acknowledges the mercy of God, since before he was converted he persecuted the Church of his time.  We too  can be like Paul, persecuting the Church when we do not stand up for what we believe, or allow other people to 'knock' the Catholic Church with misguided views, by not having the courage to speak the truth.

However, we too can be like St Paul when we thank God for being called to serve, and when we acknowledge the mercy of God in our lives.  We need to do this daily.  However, why would we want to serve God, if we are not convinced  in our faith that He sent His Son to each one of us personally? 

This is at the heart of our Catholic faith- that Christ came to save us by dying on the cross, rose again,  giving us the opportunity to share in His glory in Heaven as co-heirs with Him.

God knows we are not yet perfected- we are on the way..Let us become a little closer during this coming week by reviewing our spiritual life, and by humble enough to acknowledge our weaknesses, sins and omissions in the great sacrament of mercy-Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It does not matter with God whether it has been 20 years or a month since our last time of receiving this sacrament.  He is there waiting for us in the person of the priest to give us His mercy and absolution.  Then, like St Paul, we too will know the mercy of God first hand and will want to be faithful enough to serve Him.

Let us double our efforts this week to 
know, love and serve God 
so that we will be happy with Him in Heaven.

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