The Opening Prayer for the 26th Sunday of the Year
reads as follows:
Let us pray
(for God's
forgiveness and for the happiness it brings)
You show Your
almighty power in Your mercy and forgiveness.
Continue to fill us
with Your gifts of love,
Help us to hurry
toward the eternal life You promise,
and come to share
in the joys of Your kingdom.
In making this prayer tangible the
following reflection questions emerged.
What does God's forgiveness mean to
Why does God's forgiveness bring
happiness to me?
How will I experience God's
forgiveness this week? (e.g. receive
sacrament of Reconciliation)
Why does God's mercy and forgiveness
show His power in my life?
What hinders me from being filled
God's gifts of love? (Name one area
that I will work on this
coming week).
Why do I need to hurry towards the
eternal life God promises me?
If God called me home to Heaven
today/this week, will I be ready?
In today's Gospel we meet with the
tragedy of the Rich man's situation. God had blessed him with material
wealth, but ignored to use his wealth for the betterment of others- in this
case, Lazarus the poor man who ‘longed for the scraps that fell from the rich
man's table'. When he died, he was not prepared to acknowledge his wrongdoing,
but was audacious enough to want help from the very person he had failed to
help in life, when he was in the position to do so. Abraham speaks not
only to the rich man to us also. We are not to neglect those whom we can help.
We must do our best in our life, since we cannot try to swap places and ‘cross
to the other side' after we have died.
It seems that he had learnt some of
his lesson. To the rich man's credit, he did think of his brothers, since he
did not want them to suffer also. However, he was asking for extraordinary
means, rather than following the way God had provided (eg prophets). Many
of us can fall for the same trap. We want something extraordinary to
happen so that we may believe/believe more fully. Human nature will find
a way to discount it or just not believe anyway. Faith is a gift which we
accept or reject and it is not a gift to be manipulated.
Let us take this gospel to heart and
realize that our training is now. If the cards of life have been dealt
well for us, then use them to help others. If we are not so fortunate, make the
most of the cards we are given and be grateful.
We need to live good Catholic lives
according to the commandments and precepts of the Catholic Church. We
need to follow the way God has given us through the Church, making use of the
sacraments frequently and all other helps that the Church provides. This is not
a time for cherry picking. we need to take on board fully
and wholeheartedly what the Church teaches.
Let us follow the example of Christ
as the gospel Acclamation states:
'Jesus Christ was
rich but he became poor to make you rich out of His poverty'