Thursday, January 21, 2010

Praying for Priests: PRAY



Welcome to my second post on 'The Year of the Priest' Series. Each week until end of June 2010, this series will provide food for thought on the Year of the Priest’, examine how we, as laity, can appreciate the gift of Priesthood in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and encourage our priests in this special year. If you missed my first post on this series, why not take a look.

In the next 6 posts, I wish to focus our attention on how we might actively help our priests. I will use the acrostic form P-R-I-E-S-T


Let us commence this week with PRAY. 
  1. Jesus highlighted the need to pray : 'the harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to His harvest (Mt 9:37-38) .  The late Pope John Paul 11 urged us to pray for vocations by gathering in prayer with a renewed expectation of the Holy Spirit's coming, so that vocations will renew our world. 
  2. As laity, we can choose to belong to the worldwide Apostleship of Prayer and follow their daily offering programme. 
  3. We may prefer to follow our own programme, by offering own day to the Lord, either in spiritual union with Christ's daily offering at the altar at Mass, or by attending Mass. Perhaps we can attend an extra weekday Mass asking God for a new Pentecost of priestly vocations.
  4. Be an intercessor for your priests: Lift up his needs to God.  
  5. Our priests are human- he needs support not criticism. If you think he is not doing his job, or his homilies are wanting, pray for him and ask God to give him the graces you perceive him to need.
  6. Pray as a family and teach your children to pray for their priests.
  7. Pray for our priests so that you appreciated, respect and honour him since he is an ordained servant of the family of God and acts in the person of Christ in the Sacraments. 
  8. Encourage other people to pray for priests, especially when negative feedback is stated about a priest. Listen to the concerns as it provides rich soil for prayer for you, and encourage the person concerned to pray for the graces to brighten up the tarnished image that this person may have of that priest.
  9. Have a Mass said for priests during this "Year of the Priest'. Another priest will be offering the Mass and will likely feel encouraged by it.


 In my situation, I am in an order parish where we have seminarians studying for priesthood.  There is nothing more spiritually satisfying than to watch the young novice come, grow spiritually and reach their goal of ordination after many years of study and prayer.

As a young child, I was encouraged at school to choose one of the students to the priesthood at the beginning of the year and to pray for him throughout it. I have continued this tradition because I have come to realize that they not only need prayers to reach ordination, which is the finishing line of study at that stage, but it is the starting line for ministry. At times I feel like a 'mother letting them leave the nest' when they reach ordination- sad to see them go, but happy that they are ready to start ministry. Now, I pray for them not only through their formative years, but up to their 25th ordination anniversary. At this point, I review and monitor their progress and the prayers are adjusted accordingly.

Most people are not in an order parish, but a diocesan parish with one or two priests. Nevertheless, there is a seminary in your diocese and there are priests in each parish throughout it.  Why not remember the priests who administered the sacraments to you.  All of them need your prayers

Is there a priest that you know who owes his perseverance to YOUR prayers?


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