Monday, April 26, 2010

Scripture Series: Exploring Genesis.



 Chapter 12: The Call of Abraham.

Long ago God called a nomad in Mesopotamia: he had to leave his land accompanied by his barren wife, his family, his slaves and his flocks.  A numerous posterity was promised to this old man, Abraham and his barren wife; there was promised to this nomad a land overflowing with milk and honey.

In obedience of faith Abraham responded to this call of God; he took the risk implied in all true faith. He left his country and threw himself into the uncertain existence.  Without concerning himself whether he was wise in the world’s eyes, he left for the unknown in the obscurity of faith, entrusting himself to God alone who would be his guide,’ hoping against hope in unfailing faith.’ 

It is not only descent from Abraham according to the flesh and circumcision (as the Jews thought), but unconditional trust in God, which makes true sons and daughters of Abraham.  He is not only the ancestor of Israel; he is also the father of a multitude of peoples, both Jews and pagans. Roman 4 supports this view.  Also, in the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, Abraham is acknowledged as ‘our father in faith’.

We might be tempted to think that this chapter has little relevance to us today. Some might think that to leave everything is not prudent and to trust in God’s promise like Abraham is just plain foolish.  However, this is one of the challenges of the Gospel if we are to be an authentic disciple of Jesus. We are asked to make this act of trust in God each day in every decision we make.  We are called to move from our comfort zones and put our trust in God.  It is not easy, yet essential for our spiritual and temporal well-being. 

The other aspect of this chapter that needs to be highlighted is that Abraham, although he said yes to God’s call, he kept acknowledging God in each part of the journey. He prayed.  Prayer and trust are vital ingredients and both need to be nurtured.  

Putting God as number one in ones life is essential in every way. So also is trust in God, since the power of evil lurks also to distract us, to make us feel discouraged or fearful.  Satan knows our weakness and knows how to manipulate us. God’s power is stronger, so let us stand on the power of God and place our trust and our life to Him.                                              

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