Monday, April 12, 2010

Genesis 11; the Tower of Babel.




The author of this narrative has use of an old tradition about a famous tower in Babylon to explain the division of the human race as a result of their sins and the revolt against God.
‘Unanimous in their wickedness, the nations have been thrown into confusion’ (Wis 5).

By His death Christ has gathered together humanity formerly dispersed by sin, and the Spirit of the Risen Lord brings about the unity of all races and all nations in the Body of Christ, the Church.  The Acts of the Apostles gives us the happenings at Pentecost as being among other things the restoration of the unity which had been lost at Babel: ‘for each man heard them speaking in his own language’ (Acts 2:6).

In the book of Revelations, we also find the vision of the Last times, brought in by Christ’s coming. Then will come about ‘the new heavens and the new earth’, which will bring to its final achievement the work of God begun in creation and renewed by Christ’s redemption.  Between the first creation and its definitive fulfilment at the Lord’ return is situation the history of salvation described in the Bible and in which we are involved by our faith in Christ.

Psalm 148 is a cosmic hymn of praise.  Through our alleluias, may the praise of the heavens, the earth and the Chosen People, rise up towards God, our Creator and Saviour. Daniel 3 is also a beautiful text worth pondering in this context.

So how does Genesis 11 impact on us today?  I am sure you can think of countless examples where the sin of pride is still operative- where people want or think they are ‘God’. Do we want to make a name for ourselves? The challenge is to remember that we are created and God is the Creator.

What about our communication with one another? Do we speak the same language as a single people in our families, workplace and Church united in mind and heart?  How can we improve our communication with one another to make this possible?  Perhaps God giving us two ears and one mouth gives us a clue. 

Let us take our lives and its cares and joys to God. Let us listen to Him  and then actively listen to each other. Then we may be on the road to a new heavens and a new earth.

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