Tuesday, April 6, 2010

He is alive- He is not here



Easter has many memories associated with it, some of which are connected to the Easter Triduum and its preparations in my work.

However, in more recent years, I am reminded of the special time I had in the Holy Land in 2000. Visiting the holy places, especially those connected to Jesus' journey to Calvary and the tomb are more vivid as the passion is read on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. 

I will never forget the experience I had whist visiting the tomb.  I walked in and it was as though I could hear a voice saying' He is alive- he is not here.  The voice was so clear, so I turned around to see who spoke.  There was a crowd waiting in the queue, but then I realized that it was coming from within me. I will never forget the experience, and each Easter as I hear the Easter story being read, I get a flash back of my trip and feel the certainty that He is alive- He is not here.

Easter begins of course on Easter Sunday and now we enter into the glorious season of Eastertide for 50 days.  As we live out these wonderful days, may we walk with the Risen Lord in our lives.

May Christ be not found in the tomb of our lives but be indeed truly risen- He is alive. Alleluia.

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