Monday, April 19, 2010

Genesis Series: Exploring Genesis



The period of the Patriarchs.

From Chapter 12 onwards, the book of Genesis describes to us the history of the patriarchs of Israel and the successive interventions of the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob.  Since we have events of long ago which have come down to us through folk-legends, set down in writing only at a later date, we must not expect to find history in the modern sense of the word.

The history of Israel as it is described to us in the Bible is a very special phenomenon: The Bible is not concerned in relating historical events in a precise way; it is always a religious meditation of the facts of the history of the people chosen by the living God.  The Bible does not present us with chronicles; it describes and at the same time comments on ‘God’s dealings with his people in history’.

The figure of Abraham dominates the early history of the Chosen people. The book of Genesis tells us about this nomad who lived in Mesopotamia about 1800 years before Christ.  God, who promised him numerous descendants and the fertile land of Canaan, called him.  This promise was handed down to Isaac and the to Jacob (called Israel) and to his sons who were the ancestors of the 12 Hebrew tribes. A famine in the land of Canaan forced the nomad tribes to emigrate to Egypt.

The Bible is not a book of morality in the sense of us finding edifying stories of picked men and women as outstanding examples of moral behaviour.  These stories from the patriarchal times give us a living insight tin men and women of flesh and blood, rooted in their milieu and age, men and women to whom no human behaviour is unknown, men and women capable of the most sublime generosity and also of the greatest cowardice.  The history of Israel reflects the manners and the customs of the time.

The crucial aspect however when we reflect on these chapters is to see the saving action of God in the midst of his chosen people, and see how God accepts men and women as they are, how He takes His time in educating them and leading them where He wants.

Can YOU see the saving action of God in your life?

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