Thursday, February 18, 2010

Support: The Year of the Priest



Support: The Year of the Priest

Welcome to my sixth post on 'The Year of the Priest' Series. Each week until end of June 2010, this series will provide food for thought on the Year of the Priest', examine how we, as laity, can appreciate the gift of Priesthood in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and encourage our priests in this special year. If you missed my last four posts on this series, why not take a look.
I wish to focus our attention on how we might actively help our priests. I will use the acrostic form P-R-I-E-S-T

Last week I wrote about ESTEEM


 Let us continue with SUPPORT.
To be supportive of our priests means putting a new heart into him especially as he spends himself, frequently thanklessly, for the good of the people God has entrusted to Him.  To give your priest support means to give him your gift wrapped in psychological, and spiritual covering tied with a financial ribbon.

Obviously, every priest is unique with different gifts God has endowed. Get to know your priest well, so that you can give him the support he needs. Suggested means of support include:
·                     Giving cash: for church and personal expenses.  We all know what it takes to run a home- gas, electricity, rates, medical expenses, car and the like. Is our thanksgiving contribution adequate to support the parish?  Is our priestly contribution appropriate for his 2010 expenses? Could you live on what you give to your priest in the collections?
·                     Giving cash for a holiday: Are you able to provide him with cash or holiday accommodation, or when you know his holidays are approaching, are you able to find some cash for spending money for him. He cannot write cheques on the bank of Heaven.
·                     Giving verbal credit: for what he does and what he hopes to do in the parish.
·                     Giving support by answering the call to service: Are you able to support him when he calls for volunteers for a particular project or stand for the parish council? Giving our time and enthusiasm shows him that he is supported and loved by those whom he is serving.
·                     Giving moral support: Give your priest credit for his hopes, plans, desires, faithfulness and praiseworthy qualities. If you view life from a half full perspective, you will find it easier to support your priest sincerely and with enthusiasm.  If you view life from a half empty perspective, your feedback, even though it may be correct, may not be initially appreciated. Give him support and encouragement first before constructive criticism.
·                     Giving support through knowledge of him: Know his strengths and limitations- encourage his strengths and be patient with his limitations, know his birthday and priestly anniversaries and send a card. He may be thinking of quitting and your card might give him the courage and support to persevere.  Encourage him to hold fast to the vocation and to the call of Christ.
 Priests and parish support give us as laity, a consciousness of the Church as a community. It provides us with a sense of our Catholic identity, building up mutual understanding and appreciation, since we are our priest's collaborators and co-workers. we give him support by walking the journey alongside him. He too will walk alongside us to support us.

During this Year of the Priest, be challenged to support your priest.

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