Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 1 : Scripture Series: Exploring Genesis.




Before considering the meaning and its significance of Genesis 1:26-28 in our understanding of the role of humanity, it is important to remember what has gone before this passage and what come after, viz, the 8 acts of creation:
·                     Light and darkness/day and night.
·                     Earth’s atmosphere: the firmament.
·                     Dry land and sea separated.
·                     Plants and trees,
·                     Sun, moon and stars: Seasons days, years.
·                     Sea creatures and birds.
·                     Land animals and mankind (day 6)
·                     Creation completed and God rests.
In each of the ‘acts of creation’, it is introduced by the words ‘and God said’. 
However, the story of creation is more than just a poetic story. It is vital because it tells us what we need to know in order to understand ourselves, and the world around us, namely,
1.    The origin of the world and life is no accident. There IS a Creator: GOD.
2.    God made everything there is.
3.    All that God made was good.
4.    The high point of all of God’s 8’creative acts’ was the making of mankind. We are told that ‘And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good’ (Gn 1:31)
5.    Mankind is distinguished from all other creatures in 2 respects: he alone is made in God’s own likeness; and he is given charge over all the rest of His creation.
6.    God’s ‘six days of creative activity’ followed by a day of rest, sets the pattern for our working lives.


When we consider the significance of Gen 1:26-28 specifically, it is important to consider the following aspects contained therein:

1. Mankind is made in God’s own likeness, which sets people apart from animals.  It establishes then in a special relationship.

2. God gives them control over the newly made world, which He created, and all its creatures.

3.Being made in God’s own likeness is so vital, that even though later man sinned and spoiled God’s creation, it did not destroy man from remaining a reasoning, moral and creative creature.  He is still intended to be in control of God’s environment.  To make him no more than an animal is it make him less than man- in God’s likeness.

4. God blessed them and told them to ‘be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth’.  In other words, God, even though he created everything for them was prepared to give them full ownership of His creation and in doing so, He blessed them. God gave them the awesome responsibility for His creation but also gave them free  will to choose to know and love Him.

5.God made them male and female. In God’s design male and female were to be complimentary.

I hope that as we journey through the book of Genesis, it may bring a richer meaning for you, especially at the Easter Vigil when the creation story is read

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