Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Day 12 of the 12 Days of Christmas 2020 Series.



Manger scene

Manger Scene 12 days of Christmas 2020 series


I am sorry I did not post this yesterday. I wrote the post and I thought I had posted it. I looked this morning and to my shock it was not there. After a doing a search and a panic, I have now uploaded it.

As some countries celebrate the Solemnity  of the Epiphany today, you may wish to refer to my Epiphany post which I wrote on Sunday, as in Australia, we celebrate the Solemnity of the First Sunday of January generally or the Sunday closest to the 6th January.


DAY 12

Today is the twelfth day of the 12 days of Christmas (5TH January) Today’s Gospel is Mk 6:34-44.  It is the Gospel of the miracle of the feeding of the 5 thousand with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

What does Jesus teach us in this Gospel?

He had compassion because they were sheep without a shepherd.  We need to pray for our shepherds/priests.  Many are critical of priests in the church. Obviously, the scandals have not enhanced the situation.  However, each of us are called to have compassion on other people.  Jesus saw the need and used His skills to teach.  Do we see a need in our parish and fail to use our skills to provide compassion or teaching?

Jesus gave the blessing for the miracle to occur.  He also led by giving direction.  We need good leaders in our world and in our parishes who lead with God’s wisdom. However, every leader needs supporters and helpers. Nothing can be done in isolation.  Even if we are older and in a retirement village/nursing home, we can still contribute significantly to our parish by prayer and also our wisdom.  If we are more able physically, then we need to be carrying the baskets of bread and fish to those in need. We need to be disciples of our Master. The disciples had to learn that even though they seemingly did not have the means to feed the crowd, Jesus has the way.

What about us? Do we see a way forward when we ask Jesus for a need?  Are we willing to stretch ourselves to find a way?  Jesus sent the disciples to find out how much food was available and with what they brought forward to Him, multiplied.  Jesus can and does the same for us too. We need to seek what we have and ask for His blessing on it.  Notice too, Jesus gives abundantly. There were 12 baskets full left over.

So, in our reflection today on the day of Christmastide we might like to:

Consider the gifts Jesus has given us.  Are we willing to use these gifts in our world and allow Jesus to multiply them in abundance?

Consider the miracle of the Eucharist at Mass when Christ becomes truly present with the words of consecration and at Holy Communion? The miracles of the Eucharist may help to develop a greater love for Jesus truly present at Mass, in the tabernacle and during exposition.

Consider our abundance in worldly goods- do our homes to be decluttered so that others who do have enough can be filled too?  Why not declutter our spiritual life and review it in the light of the Gospel?

How does this Gospel relate to the Christmas message?  What will we carry into 2021 from Christmas season to the remainder of the year?


Today is last day of the 12 days of Christmas series. I hope you have benefited from this series in some of the reflection ideas or if not, have devised your own reflection ideas instead.

Take the opportunity to review what you have learned/gained spiritually throughout the Christmas season. Explore what you wish to carry forward into the remainder of 2021. How will you live the Christmas season all the year?

Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Epiphany (6th January) in some countries which marks the end of the Christmas season.  In other countries such as Australia, it was celebrated on the previous Sunday- the season being that it provided more people the opportunity to attend Mass and celebrate the solemnity.  If you have already celebrated the solemnity, it is a great opportunity to celebrate again and allow the shining star of the East to shine on us again in Christ..  Let us look forward to adoring the Lord and continue to do so throughout the year.






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