Monday, January 4, 2021

Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas. Jesus the Healer.



Manger scene

Manger scene: 12 days of Christmas series icon.

Today is the eleventh day of the 12 days of Christmas. Today’s Gospel is Mt 4:12-17, 23-25.  There are 3 key elements in this Gospel for us to note. They are:

·         Jesus fulfils what the prophecies said about Him.

·         Jesus preaches ‘Repent and believe the Good News.

·         Jesus heals all kinds of illnesses including physical, emotional and spiritual malaises and diseases.

So from the very beginning of His ministry Jesus preaches repentance and believing the Good News.  We hear in the Gospel that many people followed Him.  We can surmise that some of those people would have followed Jesus because they had been healed by Him, some would have followed because they hoped to be healed, some would have listened to His preaching and taken it to heart and there would have been some that would have followed Jesus as a novelty- something new. Elsewhere in the scripture it does that ‘Jesus taught with authority and His teaching made a deep impression on them’.

So how do we apply this Gospel to our lives today?


So, in our reflection today on the day of Christmastide we might like to:

Consider our life currently.  Do I know what God’s mission/ is for me and am I fulfilling it?

How can I discern  the mission of God for me?

Consider the call to repentance. Do I avail myself regularly  of God’s healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

What is my current attitude towards the Sacrament of Reconciliation?  What resolve do I have regarding this Sacrament for 2021.  It is never too late to come to Jesus and ask His healing and forgiveness.

What do I do if I have not received this Sacrament for a long time?

  •  First, do not fear. Fear can hold us back from receiving this sacrament.  Pray to God to overcome this fear. 

  • Secondly, plan a date (eg in a month’s time) and during that month make preparation by thinking about your life, the problem areas, what is going well, Do this for 10 minutes each day. Make a list if that helps you ensuring that you can keep your list private.

  • Thirdly, use the 10 commandments as a guide to help you make an examination of your life. This link gives you a very good explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as an excellent start to examination of conscience.

  • Fourthly pray for courage and then find a priest that you can relate to ( or some prefer to not have that connection),  ring him and let him know that you want to go to confession, that it is a long time and that you need help in making a good confession.  See what advice he provides.

  • Fifthly, on the day of the appointment make the best confession you can. Do not worry if you genuinely forget something but do not hold anything back deliberately. Do the penance prescribed by the priest, receive the absolution of Jesus through the priest. Remember to praise God for the healing and forgiveness He has given you.

Consider my role in being an instrument of healing to others through a smile, a kind word, holding back an unkind word, praying for others who need healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for people who have similar faults, sins/weaknesses as yourself and ask God to help them overcome them.

Consider my belief in the Good News of Jesus:  How will I nurture my faith in 2021? Am I excited, enthused and on fire for Jesus because I truly believe in His Good News.


As the Christmas season has either finished in some areas of the world or will finish on 6th January, consider this Gospel in the light of the characters presented to us in the Christmas season- ie Mary, Joseph, angel, shepherds, wise men ( Kings).and perhaps even the animals too.  How will I carry Christmas message in my heart and live it each day during 2021.  What is my action plan?




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