Friday, September 6, 2019

No 111 How did the messianic entrance into Jerusalem come about


Jesus the Teacher

No 111 How did the messianic entrance into Jerusalem come about? (CCC 557-560,569-570)


Compendium states:
At the established time Jesus chose to go up to Jerusalem to suffer His passion and death. As the Messiah King who shows forth the coming of the Kingdom, He entered into His city mounted on a donkey.  He was acclaimed by the little children whom shout of joyful praise is take p in the Sanctus of the Eucharist liturgy “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna”. (Mt 21:9). The liturgy of the Church opens Holy Week by celebrating the entry into Jerusalem.


What does this mean for me?
1.            I can thank God that His entry into Jerusalem is remembered at every Mass and that I can be thankful for His entry into Jerusalem to begin His suffering, death and resurrection and my redemption through His blood. .
2.            I can be thankful that Jesus chose to be obedient to His Father to redeem the world, even though He is second person of the Trinity.

Questions to consider.

1.      How am I obedient to God?
2.      How do I build up the Church – what contribution do I make?
3.      What does the messianic entry into Jerusalem mean to my life and what can I learn from it?
4.          Why should I never take my redemption for granted?

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