Sunday, September 29, 2019

Collect for 26th Sunday of Year C


The Mass: Collect Series  Icon.

The Collect for the 26th Sunday of the Year C is as follows:

O God, who manifests your almighty power above all
by pardoning and showing mercy,
Bestow, we pray, Your grace abundantly upon us
 and make those hastening to attain your promises 
 heirs to the treasures of Heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.

In making this prayer tangible for during the week, the following reflections questions emerged:
1.    What are the characteristics/traits of God’s pardon and mercy?
2.    What scripture passages exemplify God’s pardon and mercy?
3.    How have/ will I experience God’s pardon and mercy?
4.    What graces do I need to be poured on my life abundantly?
5.    What graces can I pour on others I meet this coming week through God’s help?
6.    Why do I wish to be an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Today’s gospel is the parable of the rich young man and Lazarus.  Both in life were given different lifestyles- the rich man sadly did not help Lazarus, who was not only a beggar but a beggar outside his own gate.  Scripture tells us ‘’’He would have gladly eaten the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table’’

The rich man had the means to help but did not because he was too interested in his own life. His heart was hardened to seeing the need of other people less fortunate and he did not acknowledge that the blessings he had received ultimately came from God not him.   Added to that, his example caused his brothers to follow a lifestyle similar.

On the other hand, Lazarus although poor and a beggar did not scoff at God for his predicament but accepted the blessings that God had given him. 

The contrast between the two men is stark.   Both experienced the mercy of God in their own way, although the rich man still wanted more. He was not satisfied to admit his own selfishness completely, still had to complain when things were not to his liking.  However, he did want to save his own brothers from a similar fate.

Lazarus experienced the mercy of God in the after life. Despite his life being difficult as a poor beggar, he remembered God in his life and the importance of who he was in relation to God.  He knew that God in his mercy would care for him because he experienced it every day in his life. Although a beggar and poor he managed his life with God’s help. He kept in his own way a sense of balance and he knew his priority- God was no 1 in his life.

We may might not be poor or rich, but the questions we wish to ponder include
1.            Who do we identify with most here- the rich man or Lazarus?
2.             If we died today/tonight, are we ready to be co-heirs with Jesus?
3.            Are we blind to those closest to us in need (physical, emotional and spiritual need)?
4.            Is God first place at any given moment in my life?

There is a lot to ponder in this Gospel.  We need to both ponder and take action. 

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