Sunday, September 8, 2019

Collect Twenty Third Sunday of the Year



The Mass: Collect Series icon.


The Collect for the Twenty Third of Year C reads as follows:

O God, by whom we are redeemed and receive adoption,
Look graciously upon your beloved sons and daughters,
That those who believe in Christ 
may receive true freedom and an everlasting inheritance.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever.


Converting this prayer into spirituality in action, the following reflection questions emerged:

1.What does it mean for me to be redeemed?
2, What does it mean for me to receive adoption through Christ?
3. What does it mean to me be a beloved son or daughter and what will it mean for me this coming week?
4.How do I believe in Christ and how do I show it in my life?
5. If a stranger was to be asked about me, would they recognise that I am a believer in Christ or not?
6.What would it mean to me to receive true freedom and everlasting life?


Luke’s Gospel 14:25-33 challenges us by teaching that the key condition for true discipleship demanded by Christ was, and is, a total dedication and commitment of oneself  to Christ.  We cannot be half hearted and still honestly call ourselves Christian.  We must be totally committed to living a Christian life every day not just on Sundays or when we feel like it.

However, there is a purpose to living a Christian life with every breath we take. It is not just for the now but ultimately it is the goal of living with God and being happy with Him for ever.  It is definitely a goal worth striving.

However God knows we are human and we can fail. What He is asking of us to commit to Him every day and make progress for that day. It is doing the will of God every day.  My late mum used to have an expression ‘’ Even the snail does the will of God slowly’’.  She used to hold on to that expression as she got older too.
Following Christ means making our way to heaven. It is a life-journey. We have a limited time in which to complete this journey. Therefore, we must travel a certain distance each day whatever our vocation- single, married or religious. Each vocation has their own challenges, and each one in that vocation must follow Christ with total commitment.

There are just 11 more weeks before the Solemnity of Christ the King- the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year.  What difference will there be in our lives on that Sunday?  What will God see as He looks at us lovingly  Will I be the same as I am now or will I have made the necessary changes and be growing each day and be a different person? 
 This is the challenge right now.   What will your decision be in these next 77 days or 11 weeks?

Let us commit afresh this Sunday as we hear this Gospel to move forwards each day towards our heavenly home  by our total commitment to God and the way we live our lives every moment in a way that would please God and in a Christian Catholic manner.

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