Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Step 2 Personal and group discussion-12 step Catholic Spirituality Series.


I started this series in September 2018 and will continue with the series this year.  If you have not read the first posts, click here to read.  This series is based on the 12 Steps of AA and could have easily been called 12 Step Christian Anon programme.  However, I prefer to think of it as a 12 Step guide to Catholic spirituality

Today we continue on with Step 2: We Confess that Jesus Christ can lead us to the fullness of life.


It is now time towards completing step 2 by looking at what we have learnt about ourselves and through personal reflection.  This 12 step guide to catholic spirituality is very personal because we are all unique in our spirituality.  So what I offer in the personal reflection section are some suggestions.  If they don’t work for you, then find another solution.  The important thing is to not give up,  but to keep moving forward in a quest to becoming as God made us, that is, in His image and likeness.


1.     1. Begin with the New Testament reading it slowly.  When you come to sections you do not understand, make a list of questions for discussion with a priest and/or another Catholic.  The aim is to get an understanding about Jesus proclaimed in the gospels.  If you already have this perspective on Jesus in the gospels, then you might like to venture into other New Testament writings.

2. I also suggest that you choose wisely the priest and/or catholic with whom you ask your questions and discuss these matters.  It is very important to choose someone who is very knowledgeable in the faith and can  discuss these matters in keeping with the catholic church, not their version of what the Catholic Church should teach or worse still, a misguided version of what they hope the Church might teach in the future.    Sadly there is a huge difference and not every Catholic or priest is well formed, so ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right person who can help you and lead you to the truth  of God.

2. If you are not currently worshipping, then I encourage you to find catholic community, experience their worship and get a feel for it.  Ask yourself and Holy Spirit ‘’ Do I feel like I belong here?’’. 

3 3   If you are already a catholic and attend mass regularly in your parish, then you may wish to review how you feel about your parish, not to walk away from it, but to discern how you feel about your parish.  Is it your spiritual home?  If so, what are the reasons for it?  If not, then what will need to change within yourself to made it so?  Answering these questions can be very enlightening.
44.  Having made a list of questions that you wish to discuss, you may wish to consult with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Although this book is an excellent reference, it can be confusing to understand.  I highly recommend the compendium of the catholic church, since it is set out with questions and answers which a short, concise and easy to read.  I have also have a series called compendium of the catholic church where I discuss one question per week.  In this series, I like to personalise what I have learned and make the practical for my life.  You may wish to check out my series using the above link.

55.   Having asked the Holy Spirit to guide you to the right priest and/or another  Catholic, make an appointment to discuss the questions that you have.  Be ready to listen to this person as well as the Holy Spirit speaking within you.  Be discerning.  If they give your answers that our contrary to what you have already read in the compendium of the catholic church, then it may be wise to move on and find somebody more suitable.  Your faith is not only important but it is to be treasured carefully.  It is the pearl of great price.
6.    Hear  Jesus asking you ‘’ or who do you say I am?’’ What is your response?

66.Why not consider spending some money to install Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)- where you can get the catholic station from America 24/7.  The programs give the true Catholic perspective.  Financially, you’re paying for the installation but there is ongoing fee. The website is also very helpful

1. Ask each member to give their answer to the Jesus’ question “ who do you say I am?’’
22.   Why is the resurrection such an important Christian belief?
33.   What is the problem of focusing on the resurrection only and not including the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross?  Why  is it fundamentally flawed?
44.  What do you believe about the resurrection?
55.   How did Jesus reveal God to us?
66.  What do Catholics and Christians believe about Christ’s redemption?
Hopefully by now, you will feel ready to move to step 3: ‘’ we decide to turn our lives over to Jesus Christ’’.  I will begin step 3 next week.

Remember, in step 2, our objective is to confess that Jesus Christ can lead us to the fullness of life.  When working through such a programme, we can feel that we are never quite ready to move forward.  The advantage of such a programme is that we can come back to it and deepen our faith as we begin again through the 12 steps.

I have done this a number of times and always given the benefit of it because I have commenced the programme from a place of faith at that time.  It is important to remember that our faith never stays still.  We are either progressing are regressing at any given time.  Hopefully, we are progressing in our faith and love for God.

However, if you need more time to work through step two, then take that time.  Do not feel pressured to move forward.  The Holy Spirit  will guide you when you are ready to make that next step.  Be guided by the Holy Spirit.  My blog posts will be there when you are ready to read them.

Next week: step 3: we decided to turn our lives over to Jesus Christ

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