Tuesday, September 4, 2018

12 Step Catholic Spirituality Series. Introduction to Series.


Introduction to Series.


Welcome to my 12 Step Catholic Spirituality Series.  This series is based on the 12 Steps of AA and could have easily been called 12 Step Christian Anon programme.  However, I prefer to think of it as a 12 Step guide to Catholic spirituality. 

This series can be used in whatever way it suits you. You may decided to initiate a group in your parish or prefer a personal journey with the Lord. However, to be able to complete Step 5 another human being needs to be involved. More about that later, but you might like to think about who that special priest/spiritual director might be.

This programme can be completed over 12 weeks if you wish to complete each step every week. You may prefer to journey along with the series, since I have chosen a monthly process for each step with the new step being introduced on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. I have used the word selfishness to cover a range of sins/ addictions/ behaviour patterns. You may wish to choose your own word suitable to your own situation since we are all individuals with different issues.


So what are the 12 steps? They are as follows:

1.            We admit that we cannot realise our fullest human potential by living a life of 

2.            We confess that Jesus Christ can lead us to the fullness of life.
3.            We decide to term our lives over to Jesus Christ.
4.            We make a searching and fearless moral inventory.
5.            We admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6.            We declare ourselves ready to love God, remove all our defects of character.
7.            We humbly ask God to remove all our shortcomings.
8.            We make a list of all persons we have harmed, and determine to make amends to them.
9.            We make direct amends to those we have harmed, except when to do so would injure them.
10.         We continue to take personal inventory and promptly admit when we are wrong.
11.         We seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry on.
12.         Spiritually awakened as a result of these Steps, we are determined to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all areas of life.
These steps might seem daunting at first, but day by day, step by step with God''s loving assistance, these steps become a great tool towards deeper spiritual growth. We cannot successfully embark on this journey without 
·                     asking God's assistance as we start and progress through these 12 steps.
·                     spending time with Him asking Him to shed light on our darkness/selfishness.
·                     setting our personal goals on what we hope we might achieve before we embark on this journey.
·                     reviewing our goals as we progress through the 12 steps.
·                     realising that these 12 steps are an ongoing journey- so in one sense we never quite complete the programme.  However, we can make every effort to complete it to the best of our ability where we are at this present moment in our lives.


To prepare for step 1, we may wish to
·                     Get a journal where we can record our journey. We may need to decide on a safe                   place so that it is between God and myself only. Putting a journal where we know                  other family members can find it is unwise and unhelpful.
·                     Pray to God this week for assistance as we prepare to start this journey.
·                     Write down your goals of what you hope to achieve through these 12 step journey.                You may wish to choose a particular issue/ difficulty/ sin/pattern of behaviour that                  you specifically wish to work on during these 12 months and chart your progress.
·                     Reflect on during the week how Step 1 speaks to you.
Now there is a framework, we will journey along for the next 4 weeks on step 1.
Happy preparation for the journey.

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