Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Year of Grace Series: My Planning to incorporate diocese

Welcome to my series called Year of Grace.

The Year of Grace is an Australian Bishops initiative inspired by Blessed Pope John Paul 11's Apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineurate. In this letter the late Pope challenged the Church to' contemplate the face of Christ and to Start afresh from Christ'.

The Year commenced on Pentecost Sunday 2012 and finishes on Pentecost Sunday 2013.
Although it is an Australian initiative from the Bishops, there is no reason why you could not join your Australian brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer for us, and by joining us on this spiritual journey. For example, you could bring the global world to your parish by including this intention of the Year of Grace in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass, or perhaps use one of the decades of the rosary recited either personally or in your parish. You could even commit to saying the The Year of Grace prayer which I will include in the series, each day/each week.

In today's post, I wish to explore how and why we can be involved at the diocesan level in our planning.

I think it is important as part of my year of Grace to attend as many of the diocesan events that is practical for me that are organized. I say this because it is important to be reminded that we are part of an universal church, not just our parish. I cannot go on a pilgrimage to Rome to be reminded of this, but I remind myself by watching Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and seeing Pope Benedict saying Mass and/or reciting the Angelus and giving his blessing in the many different languages.

So attending diocesan events during the Year of Grace is like a mini pilgrImage for me. It is a time to celebrate both the universality of the Church and recall the eternal banquet to which we are called ( Heaven), which for me attending diocesan events is a reflection.

So, in my personal planning for the Year of Grace, Diocese will be included by:

  • Researching the diocese website to see what is on offer. ( This is the for Melbourne archdiocese, but why not google your own area)  All events may not be advertised immediately, so throughout the Year of Grace, I will continue to do my research periodically.
  • Praying for those people in the diocese who are organizing these events throughout the Year of Grace.
  • Deciding on which events resonate with  me and attend those events.
  • Deciding on one or two events which do not resonate with me and pray about these events to discern whether attending them may bring something different/new or moments of grace for me.
  • Attending 4 Masses throughout the Year of Grace at my diocesan Cathedral to connect again with the universality of the Church.
  • Praying for the archbishop and bishops of the diocese in my own prayer life throughout the Year of Grace.

The Year of Grace for me has to be planned at the three levels- personal, parish and diocese. With careful planning all three levels can be incorporated over these 12 months.  One month has already occurred, so if you are still thinking about it or waiting for something to happen in your parish,  then wait no longer.  Do your own planning at the three levels and make the most of  this Year of Grace.

As I said in the beginning of this post, the Year of Grace is an Australian initiative by the bishops.  However, with personal planning, you can be involved if you live in another country even at the diocesan level.  Sure, there will not be specific events for the Year of Grace, but you can pray for your bishops and archbishop and make a mini pilgrimage by attending Mass at the Cathedral of your diocese.  There may even be events that are held regularly at the Cathedral that you can attend.  
It is all about your mindset.  God will know your heart and its desire to grow in grace.  He will see your efforts and reward you.


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