Monday, July 30, 2012

Gospel of Mark Series: Section 4 Part 4: Jesus comes to the struggling disciples across the lake.

 Welcome to my Gospel of Mark Series. During 2012-13, each week, I will write a post about the Gospel of Mark as I review and explore each of the 16 chapters and how it may be applied in our daily lives. My goal is to understand and pray the Gospel of Mark.  I hope you will join me on this journey as we travel through the liturgical season of Year B.  
In today's post, we explore chapter 6: 45-52 which is Jesus walking on the water and assisting His struggling disciples.

After the feeding of the five thousand at the lakeside, Jesus and His disciples move to Bethsaida, east of the Jordan's opening into Lake Galilee, which for Mark may have been a symbol of Gentile country.  Then Jesus goes into the hills by the lake to pray whilst the disciples are struggling rowing their boat against the wind all night.

The fear of the disciples and their cry to Jesus for help recalls the earlier storm of wind on the lake and the terror they felt at that time (4.35-41).  Jesus comes to them in the morning and rescues them by getting into the boat and is with them again. When He gets into the boat and is with them again, the wind drops. Here Mark paints for us a sharp contrast- the desperate situation of the disciples when separated from Jesus as compared to their security when He is with them.

However Mark also tells us that unlike the first storm on the lake  where the disciples felt terror, they did not understand Jesus and the wholeness of life He offered, nor did they understand the real meaning of the feeding of the five thousand and sharing their little food with the crowd. With their lack of understanding, they, like the Pharisees had an attitude of hardness of heart and a lack of faith.

In our journal and/or our discussion group we may wish to reflect on this passage as follows:

  • Name the key points that you have learnt about the person of Jesus in this passage of scripture?
  • Reflect on the keywords in this passage for they contain the substance and purpose of all the things Jesus said and did-
  • Consider the compassion of Jesus for the disciples struggling and the anguish of the disciples to cope without Jesus. How is my relationship with Jesus as a disciple  in the light of this Gospel passage.
  • Reflect on the helplessness of the disciples rowing against the wind. What are my experiences when I try to row against the wind without Jesus in my boat?
  • Consider the prayer and peace of Jesus in the hills during the night. Try to enter into something of His prayer.  How does Jesus spending time in prayer speak to you?
  • Ponder on the times Jesus has calmed the storm when He got into my boat.  
  • Reflect on the attitude of the disciples as they lacked understanding and faith . Reflect on times when I lacked understanding and had a hardness of heart when I did not understand what Jesus is doing for me in my life.
  • Reflect on God having creative control over nature. How do I want to take over that control in my life?
  • How do I relate to this story of Jesus coming to the struggling disciples.  Make a list of areas in my life that need a change of heart and develop an action plan on how this change of heart might occur. (eg name an area and name one/two changes that you will implement with God's help.
  • What impact does Jesus’ teaching have on you (6:45-52.
  • How has this passage spoken to you- what does it say to you personally?

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