Saturday, June 30, 2012

Year of Grace Series: Planning at a parish level.

Welcome to my series called Year of Grace.

The Year of Grace is an Australian Bishops initiative inspired by Blessed Pope John Paul 11's Apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineurate. In this letter the late Pope challenged the Church to' contemplate the face of Christ and to Start afresh from Christ'.

The Year commenced on Pentecost Sunday 2012 and finishes on Pentecost Sunday 2013.
Although it is an Australian initiative from the Bishops, there is no reason why you could not join your Australian brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer for us, and by joining us on this spiritual journey. For example, you could bring the global world to your parish by including this intention of the Year of Grace in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass, or perhaps use one of the decades of the rosary recited either personally or in your parish. You could even commit to saying the The Year of Grace prayer which I will include in the series, each day/each week.

In last week's post, I considered ways to plan personally for my Year of Grace. In today's post, I wish to explore ways to plan for my year of Grace at the parish level.

We are told that the Year of Grace is not a programme, but rather a spiritual retreat, a journey, a rediscovery of Christ. Yet, I know me, and without some planning, the Year of Grace would pass me by even with all the great intentions in the world.

So how am I planning at the parish level? At the parish level I am: 
  • initially standing back and reviewing what my parish has to offer. Thankfully there is a lot on offer to review.
  • seeing what resonates with me and exploring where the Holy Spirit might be leading me.
  • Attending extra weekday masses where possible and being more conscious of the community level of attending Mass. By this I mean, being aware of people who seem to be alone in a pew or seem to be new to the parish. A smile or a nod at the sign of peace for someone alone in a pew is important- I know, I live alone. The sign of peace can be a lonely time in church for those of us alone in a pew.
  • Encouraging the right people to reestablish some programmes that have disappeared that parishioners loved. By doing this I am hoping to affirm those both those who organized the programmes and those who attended, and hopefully giving other people a chance to experience these programmes too.
  • Singing Evening Prayer with the Friars once a week. I could attend every night, but for now I am attending once a week, so as to reconnect with this type of prayer.  It is a prayer style that seems to be seasonal in my overall spirituality. It is community based prayer but it is also very personal singing the psalms and listening to God's Word in Scripture.
  • Making the effort to attend functions/events in the parish. Last night I was given an invitation by one of the friars to attend a talk this afternoon which I did not know about.  I was pleased to be invited of course, but getting an invite from this particular friar made the invitation seemed nicer. It was a moment of grace I think.
  • Composing lyrics for a Hymn of Grace sung to a well known melody to encourage parishioners to sing and to keep in their minds the Year of Grace throughout the year.
  • Engaging with other parishes who are fired up about the Year of Grace.
From my experience so far, it is in the planning.  Examine what your parish has to offer and see how you can contribute. Be surprised and enjoy the graces given to you by God.  Many of the activities/events link with my own personal programme.  Because I live alone, it is important to engage at the parish level.  
Every parish is different. Some will embrace this opportunity and others will let it slip by.  However, with some planning, you can engage at a parish level even if your parish is not interested in the Year of Grace. Do not let that stop you from gaining all that God has to offer you in this Year of Grace. 

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