Monday, June 18, 2012

Gospel of Mark Series: Section 3 Part 8 Jesus calms a storm (4:35-41).

Welcome to my Gospel of Mark Series. During 2012-13, each week, I will write a post about the Gospel of Mark as I review and explore each of the 16 chapters and how it may be applied in our daily lives. My goal is to understand and pray the Gospel of Mark.  I hope you will join me on this journey as we travel through the liturgical season of Year B.  In today's post, we explore chapter 4:35-41 which is the parable of  Jesus calms the storm.

In the next phase of Mark’s Gospel, he gives 5 examples of how Jesus made the kingdom visible to action that shocked people and made them wonder.

Jesus asks His disciples to take Him over to the eastern shore of the lake.  Since He is already in the boat, they take Him just as He is.  Suddenly, there is a great storm of wind.  They wake Jesus and say they are sinking.  With great power He commands the wind and the sea and there is calm.

Comparing this story with Matthew’s account, (Mt 8:23-27), it becomes clear how the focus in Mark’s account is on the divine power acting through Jesus and the terror fo the power in the disciples.

The power of the kingdom breaks into their lives.  Unlike Matthew’s account where there is fear in the disciples before Jesus acts, and afterwards wonder, Mark has told the story like a cosmic exorcism on the evil in the storm.  It is important to note that control over the wind and sea in the Old Testament belongs to God as the Creator of the world (Genesis) and the Redeemer of Israel (Exodus). The action of Jesus is not meant to be magic, but to reveal His unique sharing in God’s creative and liberating power for the world.  What Mark tells us in this account therefore is not actually what happened in the storm, but rather, he tells us that the power of God was made visible that day in the lives of Jesus and His disciples when they nearly drowned together in the lake.

The experience  by the disciples of such extraordinary power in Jesus leaves them terrified and wondering who Jesus really is and what He brings to the world.

In our journal and/or our discussion group we may wish to reflect on this passage as follows:

  • Name the key points that you have learnt about the person of Jesus in this passage of scripture?
  • Reflect on the keywords in this passage for they contain the substance and purpose of all the things Jesus said and did-
  • Consider my relationship with Jesus  in the light of this Gospel passage.
  • Reflect on the scene of the storm tossed boat in the waves and notice what you begin to see and feel in yourself.
  • Try to share something of the shock and terror of the disciples when they they saw what power Jesus used over the wind.
  • What storms has the power of Jesus calmed in my life? What was my experience of the power of Jesus in these incidents/events.
  • How do I relate to this story of Jesus calming the storm.  Make a list of areas in my life that need a change of heart and develop an action plan on how this change of heart might occur. (eg name an area and name one/two changes that you will implement with God's help.
  • What impact does Jesus’ teaching have on you (4:35-41).
  • How has this passage spoken to you- what does it say to you personally?

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