Sunday, June 17, 2012

Gospel of Mark Series: Section 3 Part 7: a growing seed and mustard plant.

Welcome to my Gospel of Mark Series. During 2012-13, each week, I will write a post about the Gospel of Mark as I review and explore each of the 16 chapters and how it may be applied in our daily lives. My goal is to understand and pray the Gospel of Mark.  I hope you will join me on this journey as we travel through the liturgical season of Year B.  In today's post, we explore chapter 4:26-34 which is the parable of a growing seed and a mustard plant.

The parable of the growing seeds is found only in Mark's Gospel.  The farmer throws the seeds carelessly into the ground and goes off to do other things, but seeds have an inner vitality.  They sprout and grow, first the stalk, then the head coming from the stalk, and finally the ripe grain of wheat within the head. 

The tiny mustard seed, smaller than other seeds, grows surely and steadily into a shrub, three to four metres high with large branches, in the shade of which birds can come and sit.  What a large result from such a tiny beginning.

Both parables reveal the kingdom of God as a growth from small and insignificant beginnings.  The scattered seeds grow with an inner vitality of their own until the harvest.  The tiny mustard seed grows to produce a large shrub, out of all proportion to the tiny seed that was sown.  The parables give insights into the way the kingdom of God grows in the world- the small beginnings, the steady, silent growth, until finally the abundant and surprising results.  The action of God in Jesus may seem small and hardly noticeable, yet its great fruits will inevitably appear.

Mark concludes by reminding us that his collection of five parables is only a sample of the parables which Jesus told.  The parables offer understnding and faith to the degree each can grasp and interiorise what is heard.  Parables puzzle unbelievers, but give disciples deeper insights into the kingdom of God.

On a personal note, I have a big back garden and the constant maintenance is enormous.  I do notice that somehow even the seeds of the weeds grow and before long, left unattended, the weeds can be ready to take over.  I also notice that when I do concentrate and do some serious weeding, they are not gone for long. Only needs rain and some warmth and off they grow again.  Sometimes they dont even need that.

So too the weeds of our souls, left unattended they might be small faults first but they can take over the garden of our souls.  However, when we attend our garden of our souls, we can be like the mustard plant- do some good in even just a small way and it can have a ripple effect- it will not just be the birds that will take shelter. People will be drawn to us and we, through the grace of God will be able to give them shelter, nurture them and help them grow.

May you plant a small seed in your family,parish or work colleagues. Watch this seed grow and see what happens.  It may be a seed of kindness to a colleague that you do not generally talk or associate with, it may be a seed of hope with a smile or a encouraging word.

Whatever you decide- just plant it and let it grow.

In our journal and/or our discussion group we may wish to reflect on this passage as follows:

  • Name the key points that you have learnt about the person of Jesus in this passage of scripture?
  • Reflect on the keywords in this passage for they contain the substance and purpose of all the things Jesus said and did-
  • Consider my relationship with Jesus  in the light of this Gospel passage.
  • Reflect on how these two parables of the growing seed and the mustard plant and see if you can recognize any hidden or small beginnings of the kingdom.
  • Look at some natural growing thing and compare it with God’s power coming into the world?
  • How do I relate to these two parables.  Make a list of areas in my life that need a change of heart and develop an action plan on how this change of heart might occur. (eg name an area and name one/two changes that you will implement with God's help.
  • What impact does Jesus’ teaching have on you (4:26-34).
  • How has this passage spoken to you- what does it say to you personally?

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