Thursday, June 14, 2012

Compendium Series: How is the Good News spread?

80. How is the Good News spread? (CCC 425-429)

Compendium states:
From the very beginning, the first disciples burned with a desire to proclaim Jesus Christ in order to lead all to faith in Him.  Even today from the loving knowledge of Christ there springs up in the believer the desire to evangelize and catechize, that is, to reveal in the Person of Christ the entire design of God and to put humanity in communion with Him.

What does this mean for me?

  1. Through God's grace, I may increase the desire to evangelize and catechize.
  2. I may examine my present level of commitment to evangelize  and catechize and recommit to possessing a burning desire like the first disciples.
  3. I may examine and reflect upon how I reveal the Person of Christ to other people in my life.

Questions to consider.

  1. Why did the first disciples have a burning desire to proclaim Jesus Christ?
  2. What level of desire have I had in the past and currently?
  3. How might I change my level of commitment to evangelize?
  4. Why is a loving knowledge of Christ so important in evangelizing other people?
  5. How can I put humanity in communion with Jesus Christ?

May this question of How is the Good News spread challenge us to reflect and then be moved into action.

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