Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Year of Grace Series: Personal Planning.

Welcome to my series called Year of Grace.

The Year of Grace is an Australian Bishops initiative inspired by Blessed Pope John Paul 11's Apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineurate. In this letter the late Pope challenged the Church to' contemplate the face of Christ and to Start afresh from Christ'.

The Year commenced on Pentecost Sunday 2012 and finishes on Pentecost Sunday 2013.
Although it is an Australian initiative from the Bishops, there is no reason why you could not join your Australian brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer for us, and by joining us on this spiritual journey. For example, you could bring the global world to your parish by including this intention of the Year of Grace in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass, or perhaps use one of the decades of the rosary recited either personally or in your parish. You could even commit to saying the The Year of Grace prayer which I will include in the series, each day/each week.

The Year of Grace is not considered to be a programme rather :
  • a spiritual journey to stop, renew and refocus.
  • a journey of listening to the Spirit.
  • recognising God's grace in our lives.
  • encountering Jesus afresh.
In taking into consideration the above aspects, I consider this Year of Grace needs to be a 3 pronged approach- personal, parish and diocese. Today's post is about personal planning.

Thankfully God made us all unique and our approach to our spiritual lives will reflect that uniqueness. I know me,  and to leave this opportunity to chance or my whim will spell a wasted opportunity to grow in knowing, loving and serving God.  Therefore, I need personal planning to guide me. What I write therefore is a sharing of my approach in the hope that it will get you thinking about your approach to this Year of Grace.

Given that the Year of Grace is a spiritual journey to stop, renew and refocus, I started my personal planning by
  1. Prayer: by asking God to show me how He would like me to grow  this year.
  2. Stop and Review: examining my personal spiritual life at this present time. What is happening in my spiritual life right now, what are the areas that are problematic and have been for some time and what areas do I naturally gravitate towards improvement.
  3. Personal brainstorming: writing down all the possible ways without discounting any of them opportunities for spiritual growth.
  4. Refocus:Taking my personal brainstorm to Jesus and asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten me and help me refocus. This phase is important because this Year of Grace is about my relationship with Jesus. What does God want for me?
  5. Decision and Commitment: Devising my own personal programme/ approach so that I can be renewed through the help of God. 
  6. Progress and Tweeking: adjusting programme/approach as required to gain more benefit.
There are so many ways we can approach our own personal  programme. I know I need something that is achievable with the key being to keeping it simple as in any goal setting.  I have devised my personal plan over the 12 months with 2 month review. With some areas, I have chosen to explore something different/revisit. For example, in visiting my prayer life, I have decided to explore different prayer styles over a couple of months and incorporate these styles into my own prayer. So over the twelve months I will have become more familiar with 6 different styles and therefore am in a better position to see what style/s suit me best and how this may open the opportunity to start afresh with Christ.

With the sacraments of the Mass and Sacrament of Reconciliation, I have decided to take an educative approach in the hope that it will give me through the grace of God a greater understanding and love for these sacraments.  My blog series on these sacraments will be part of that process. Perhaps you will like to follow these series. For example, the sacrament of Reconciliation is what I call my spiritual achilles heel in its own way. It is time in the Year of Grace to experience some growth in this sacrament.

With both these sacraments, it also means the practical aspect of participation, since academic pursuit is not enough. However, it also has to be achievable and realistic. It is no use saying I am going to get up everyday to go to morning Mass when I have responsibilities that make that commitment impossible.  However, as we review our personal life, we may find that there is time with commitment to participate in Holy Mass one extra day or more depending on our circumstances.  As we make our own plan, consulting with our family may be necessary and we may encourage other family members to devise their own plan.  Perhaps you will have in your plan, a family plan for the Year of Grace.

Regardless of what personal programme/approach devised, the importance is the consistancy and perseverance. God thankfully does not expect us to be perfect. He knows that we are not, but He loves our effort and blesses it.

So in this Year of Grace, become a pilgrim and go on your own spiritual journey. Pray for your Australian brothers and sisters, but why not come on the journey too. With God, there is always more.. abundant grace ready to give each of us with His love.

Next week: Incorporating ''parish'' into my personal spiritual journey plan.

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