Sunday, March 20, 2011

Opening Prayer Series: Second Sunday of Lent Year A

The Opening Prayer for the Second Sunday of Lent reads as follows:

Let us pray
(for the grace to respond to the Word of God)
God our Father,
help us to hear Your Son,
Enlighten us with Your word, 
that we may find the way to Your glory.
In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged.

  1. What grace do I need to respond to the Word of God?
  2. What hinders me from responding to the Word of God?
  3. How can I hear Jesus speak to me this coming week
  4. What steps will I take to invite Jesus to speak to me?
  5. What hinders me from hearing God's word to me?
  6. How will I find the way to Your glory this coming week?
  7. What adjustments do I need to make (if any) to my Lenten effort.
Today's Gospel has two aspects to consider as disciples. First we must take up our cross daily and follow Christ, and secondly we receive the glory after the cross has been conquered. We are disciples- and no disciple is greater than His master.  Jesus suffered and died on the cross and on the third day rose from the dead.  However, He gave His disciples hope of future glory in the Transfiguration event.  We too are given hope each time we conquer our cross through the grace of God.  We are given glimpses of future glory in our lives if we become more attuned to them. We need to keep focused on our ultimate goal of Heaven, but be open to transfiguring moments in our lives. These moments give us both light and buoyancy. These moments become a lighthouse for our dark and gray days,beaming light and clarity on the crosses in our lives.

God is always kind and merciful, but we need to place our trust in Him. Let us rejoice today as we hear this gospel again, knowing that Jesus is giving us hope of future glory as we journey and struggle on our way.  
Let us hear the words' Listen to Him' and take them to heart this coming week as we begin week 2 of Lent.

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