Sunday, October 17, 2010

Opening Prayer Series: 29th Sunday of Year





The Opening Prayer for the 29th Sunday of the Year reads as follows:
Let us pray
(for the gift of simplicity and joy in our service of God and man)
Almighty and ever-living God,
our source of power and inspiration,
give us strength and joy in serving You as follower of Christ, 
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. 


In making this prayer tangible, the following reflection questions emerged:
1.            Why is the gift of simplicity and joy important in serving God and neighbour?
2.            Why do I need to pray for these gifts?
3.            How is God my source of power and inspiration in my life?
4.            How will God be my source of power and inspiration this coming week?
5.            What does it mean to me to be a follower of Christ?
6.            What areas in my life do I need strength and joy in serving God?


Today's lesson of the gospel is highlighted in the opening sentence, that is ' ...the need to pray continually and never lose heart'. Then Jesus provides us with the example of the unjust judge who came to his senses to do the right thing by the poor widow- not by any bolt from heaven experience, but from sheer selfish reasons 'I must give this widow her just rights, or she will persist in coming and worry me to death'.
From the widow's perspective, she never gave up hope of getting a just outcome and was persistent in letting him know her needs.

Thankfully God is a just judge, but He reminds us to be persistent in prayer and  to never lose heart, even when He delays to help us. Therein lies the challenge, but we need to have faith that God will give us what we need in His own timing, which is of course the best timing.  We need to be persistent in prayer, never lose heart and trust that God will hear and answer our prayers and take care of all our needs.

Let us during this coming week trust in God who loves us by becoming more persistent in prayer and never lose heart. Let the words of the Responsorial Psalm be ours during this coming week '

Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth'.

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